Are core classes in school important?

August 05
Status: 5 tokens - Active

Do you believe that teaching academic subjects like math, physics, and English is more essential than teaching practical skills that people utilize on a daily basis?

2 Answers:

melodyroll11 avatar

No, I don't believe that academic teaching subjects are more essential than teaching practical skills. Both are important and should be given equal attention in schools. However, I think there is a greater need for practical skills training in our society today. With the ever-changing technology landscape, it's more important than ever for people to know how to use technology and understand the basics of computers and other devices.

ketchuprye avatar

No, I don't believe that academic teaching subjects are more essential than teaching practical skills. Both are important and should be given equal attention in schools. However, I do think that there is a greater need for practical skills training in the world today. With the ever-changing technology landscape, it's more important than ever for people to know how to use the tools they have at their disposal. Plus, with the economy the way it is, people need to know how to budget and manage their money

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