How do I calculate percent error?

January 11
Status: 1 token - Active

Please, can any Mathematicians help me to calculate percent error? I lost some steps in calculating percent error and I hope someone can help me. Thanks

79 Answers:


Percent error is a way to express the difference between a measured value and a true value as a percentage of the true value. The formula for percent error is:

% error = (measured value - true value) / true value x 100

For example, let's say you are trying to measure the weight of an object using a scale, and you get a reading of 12 grams. The true weight of the object is 15 grams. To calculate the percent error, you would use the following formula:

% error = (12 - 15) / 15 x 100 = -0.2 x 100 = -20%

This means that your measurement is off by 20%. A negative percent error means the measured value is less than the true value and a positive percent error means the measured value is more than the true value.

It's important to note that while percent error is often used in science experiments and lab reports, it's not the best or only way to measure the accuracy of your results. It's also recommended to understand the precision of your results which is different thing.

AnswersUp_90488703 avatar

To calculate percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent error = (|experimental value - theoretical value| / theoretical value) x 100%

Here, experimental value is the value you measured or obtained through an experiment, and theoretical value is the value you expected or obtained through a calculation or a known measurement.

Keep in mind that the sign of the percent error can indicate the direction of the error, positive if the experimental value is greater than the theoretical value, and negative if the experimental value is less than the theoretical value.


For example, if you were measuring the density of a substance and you obtained a value of 2.4 g/cm3, but the true value was 2.5 g/cm3, you would calculate the percent error as follows:

(|2.4 - 2.5| / 2.5) * 100% = 0.04 * 100% = 4%

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 4%.


Percent error is a common way to express the difference between a measured value and the true value. The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = (Measured Value - True Value) / True Value x 100%

Here's an example:

A student measures the boiling point of water to be 100.5°C, but the true value is 100.0°C. The percent error can be calculated as:

Percent Error = (100.5 - 100.0) / 100.0 x 100% = 0.5%

So in this case, the student's measurement is 0.5% higher than the true value.

It's important to note that a positive percent error means that the measured value is higher than the true value, and a negative percent error means that the measured value is lower than the true value.

It's also important to note that percent error can be expressed as a positive or negative number, depending on whether the measured value is greater or less than the true value.


Percent error is a measure of the difference between a measured value and the actual (true) value, expressed as a percentage. It can be calculated using the following formula:

Percent error = (|Experimental value - Actual value| / Actual value) * 100

where "Experimental value" is the value obtained from a measurement and "Actual value" is the known or accepted value for comparison. The absolute value is used in the formula to ensure that the result is always a positive number, even if the experimental value is less than the actual value.


Percent error is calculated as follows: Percent Error = (measured value - accepted value) / accepted value * 100


Of course! I'd be happy to help you calculate percent error. To start, let's define what percent error is:

Percent error is a measure of how accurate a measurement is, compared to the true value of the quantity being measured. It is calculated as the ratio of the difference between the measured value and the true value, to the true value, multiplied by 100%. The formula is as follows:

Percent error = (|measured value - true value| / true value) * 100%

Here's an example of how to use this formula:

Suppose you are trying to measure the length of an object, and you get a measurement of 15 cm. However, the true length of the object is 20 cm. To calculate the percent error, you would use the following formula:

Percent error = (|15 cm - 20 cm| / 20 cm) * 100% = (5 cm / 20 cm) * 100% = 25%

This means that your measurement is 25% too low.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Visainfoupdates avatar

Percent error is a way of expressing the difference between an estimated or experimental value and an accepted or theoretical value. Here's how you can calculate percent error:

Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value. Let's call this difference "error":

error = experimental value - accepted value

Take the absolute value of the error:


Divide the absolute value of the error by the accepted value and multiply by 100 to get the percent error:

percent error = (|error| / accepted value) x 100%

Here's an example calculation: Let's say you're measuring the length of a table and the accepted value is 150 cm. You measure the length of the table as 145 cm. The calculation for the percent error would be:

  1. error = 145 cm - 150 cm = -5 cm
  2. |error| = |-5 cm| = 5 cm
  3. percent error = (5 cm / 150 cm) x 100% = 3.33%

In this case, the percent error is 3.33%, indicating that your measurement was about 3.33% lower than the accepted value.


The formula for percent error=

{(Estimated or approximate value - known or exact value)*100}/ known or exact value



Percent error is a measure of the accuracy of a measurement or a calculation, expressed as a percentage of the actual or expected value. To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

1.Determine the actual or expected value: This is the value that you are trying to measure or calculate.

2.Determine the experimental or calculated value: This is the value that you obtained from your measurement or calculation.

3.Calculate the difference between the actual or expected value and the experimental or calculated value: Subtract the actual or expected value from the experimental or calculated value.

4.Divide the difference by the actual or expected value: Divide the difference by the actual or expected value and multiply by 100 to express the result as a percentage.

5.The formula for percent error is:

(|Actual - Experimental| / Actual) x 100%


(|Expected - Calculated| / Expected) x 100%

Note that the absolute value of the difference is used because the error can be positive or negative, and we want to express it as a positive value

For example, if the actual value is 50 and the experimental value is 45, the percent error would be:

(|50 - 45| / 50) x 100% = 10%

This means that the experimental value is 10% lower than the actual value.


Yes, I can definitely help you calculate percent error. The formula for percent error is:

percent error = (|measured value - actual value| / actual value) x 100%

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the actual value: This is the accepted or true value that you are comparing your measured value to.
  2. Determine the measured value: This is the value that you measured in your experiment or observation.
  3. Calculate the difference between the measured and actual values: Subtract the actual value from the measured value, and take the absolute value of the result.
  4. Divide the absolute difference by the actual value: Divide the absolute difference by the actual value, and then multiply by 100% to convert to a percentage.

Here's an example calculation:

Suppose the actual value of a measurement is 25, but you measured it to be 23. The percent error would be:

percent error = (|23 - 25| / 25) x 100% percent error = (2 / 25) x 100% percent error = 8%

Therefore, the percent error in this case is 8%.



Actual Value or Correct Value = AV

Estimated Value or Incorrect Value = EV

Percentage Error = ( AV – EV) × 100 ÷ AV


dedypraja avatar

To calculate the percent error, you need to subtract the accepted or theoretical value from the experimental or measured value, divide the difference by the accepted value, and then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

Here's the formula:

percent error = (experimental value - accepted value) / accepted value x 100%

Let's say you measured the weight of an object and got 20 grams, but the actual weight is 25 grams. The percent error would be:

percent error = (20 - 25) / 25 x 100% 

= -5/25 x 100% 

= -0.2 x 100% 

= -20%

In this case, the percent error is negative because the experimental value is less than the accepted value. If the experimental value had been greater than the accepted value, the percent error would be positive.

I hope this helps!




Let's say you're trying to measure the length of your pencil with a ruler. You measure it and get a length of 20 centimeters. But you know that the actual length of the pencil is supposed to be 18 centimeters.

To find the percent error, you need to figure out how far off your measurement is from the actual length. So you subtract the actual length from your measurement:

20 cm - 18 cm = 2 cm

This means that your measurement was 2 centimeters longer than the actual length of the pencil.

To calculate the percent error, you need to divide the difference between your measurement and the actual length by the actual length, and then multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

(2 cm / 18 cm) x 100% = 11.1%

So your percent error is 11.1%. This means that your measurement was off by 11.1% from the actual length of the pencil.

I hope that helps you understand how to calculate percent error!


Percent error is a measure of the difference between the actual value and an estimated or experimental value, expressed as a percentage of the actual value. The formula to calculate percent error is:

Percent Error = (|Measured Value - Actual Value| / Actual Value) x 100%

where "|" represents the absolute value, "Measured Value" is the value obtained from an experiment or estimation, and "Actual Value" is the true or accepted value.

To use this formula, follow these steps:

Subtract the actual value from the measured value. If the measured value is greater than the actual value, the difference will be positive. If the measured value is less than the actual value, the difference will be negative. To avoid negative values, take the absolute value of the difference.

Divide the absolute value of the difference by the actual value.

Multiply the result by 100 to express the error as a percentage.

For example, let's say you measured the length of a pencil and got a value of 18.5 cm, but the actual length of the pencil is 20 cm. The percent error would be calculated as follows:

Percent Error = (|18.5 - 20| / 20) x 100% Percent Error = (1.5 / 20) x 100% Percent Error = 0.075 x 100% Percent Error = 7.5%

Therefore, the percent error in the measurement of the pencil's length is 7.5%.


I may try to help you in calculating percent error, please follow these steps.

  1. Subtract the experimental value from theoretical value
  2. Take the absolute value of the difference
  3. Divide the absolute value of difference by theoretical value
  4. Multiply the result with 100 to get the percent error 
  5. Formula of the same is as under 
  6. Percent Error = ((experimental value - theoretical value)/theoretical value) X 100 


The percentage error is, formally, the magnitude of the difference between an exact and an approximate value divided by the magnitude of the exact value per 100 cases (percentage form). Essentially, this allows you to see how far off an approximate value and an exact value are in a percentage of the exact value. The error can be because of measuring errors (tools or human error) or because of approximations used in calculating (rounding errors, for example). Regardless, the formula is straight forward and simple to calculate.


Percent Error can be calculated using the below formula.

Percent Error = ((measured Value – Actual Value)/ Actual Value) x 100.


Percent error is a measure of the discrepancy between an actual and an estimated or measured value. It is calculated as the difference between the actual value and the estimated value, divided by the actual value, and then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage. The formula for percent error is as follows:

Percent error = [(|Measured value - Accepted value|) / Accepted value] x 100%

Here's how to calculate percent error:

1. Determine the measured value and the accepted value of the quantity you want to measure.

2. Calculate the absolute difference between the measured value and the accepted value by taking the absolute value of their difference (i.e., ignore any negative signs).

3. Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.

4. Multiply the result from step 3 by 100 to get a percentage.

As an example, suppose you want to calculate the percent error when measuring the length of a piece of paper with a ruler that has a precision of 1 mm. The accepted value is 210 mm, but your measured value is 215 mm. Using the formula, we can calculate the percent error as follows:

Percent error = [(|215 mm - 210 mm|) / 210 mm] x 100%
            = (5 mm / 210 mm) x 100%
            = 2.38%

Therefore, the percent error in this measurement is 2.38%.


Percentage error is a measure of how inaccurate a measured value is compared to the true value. Here's how you can calculate percentage error:

Determine the true value: This is the correct or expected value that you are comparing the measured value to.

Determine the measured value: This is the value you obtained through your measurement or experiment.

Calculate the difference between the true value and the measured value: Subtract the true value from the measured value.

Difference = Measured value - True value

Calculate the absolute value of the difference: Make sure the difference is positive by taking the absolute value.

Absolute difference = |Difference|

Calculate the percentage error: Divide the absolute difference by the true value, and multiply by 100 to get the percentage.

Percentage error = (Absolute difference / True value) x 100%

So the formula for percentage error is:

Percentage error = |(Measured value - True value) / True value| x 100%

Note that the absolute value in step 4 is important because it ensures that the percentage error is always positive.


To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

Determine the actual or correct value. This is the value that is generally accepted as accurate or true.

Determine the experimental or measured value. This is the value that you obtained through your experiment or measurement.

Calculate the difference between the actual and experimental values. Subtract the actual value from the experimental value.

Divide the difference by the actual value.

Multiply the result by 100 to get the percent error.

Here is the formula:

Percent Error = (|Experimental Value - Actual Value| / Actual Value) x 100%

The absolute value of the difference between the experimental and actual values is used to ensure that the percent error is always positive.


How do I calculate percent error?

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

  1. Subtract the accepted value (or the known value) from the experimental value (or the measured value).
  2. Take the absolute value of the difference obtained in step 1.
  3. Divide the absolute value obtained in step 2 by the accepted value (or the known value).
  4. Multiply the result obtained in step 3 by 100 to obtain the percent error.

The formula for percent error is:

Percent error = |(experimental value - accepted value) / accepted value| x 100

For example, let's say you measured the density of a substance to be 2.45 g/mL, but the accepted value is 2.50 g/mL. To calculate the percent error, you would do the following:

Percent error = |(2.45 g/mL - 2.50 g/mL) / 2.50 g/mL| x 100 Percent error = |-0.05 g/mL / 2.50 g/mL| x 100 Percent error = 0.02 x 100 Percent error = 2%

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 2%.




To calculate percent error, you need to compare the actual value with the experimental or estimated value. 

Steps to calculate percent errors are the following:

1.Determine the actual or accepted value of the quantity you are measuring.

2.Determine the experimental or estimated value of the quantity you are measuring.

3.Find the absolute difference between the experimental value and the actual value by subtracting the actual value from the experimental value and taking the absolute value of the result.

4.Divide the absolute difference by the actual value.

5.Multiply the result by 100% to get the percent error.


The error percentage can be calculated using the following formula:

Percent error = (Experimental value - Theoretical value) / Theoretical value x 100%.


The "experimental value" is the value measured or calculated during an experiment or test.
The "theoretical value" is the value expected to be obtained according to theoretical laws or principles.
To calculate the percent error, subtract the theoretical value from the experimental value, divide the result by the theoretical value, and then multiply by 100 to obtain the percent.

For example, if the theoretical value is 50 and the experimental value is 45, the calculation would be:

Percent error = (45 - 50) / 50 x 100% = -10%.

In this case, the result is a negative percentage, indicating that the experimental value is less than the theoretical value. If the experimental value were greater than the theoretical value, the result would be a positive percentage.

AnswersUp_1836503503 avatar

Sure, calculating percent error is a simple mathematical formula used to determine the accuracy of a measurement or estimate.

The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = (|Experimental Value - Accepted Value| / Accepted Value) x 100%

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

Determine the experimental value and the accepted value. These values can be obtained from measurements or other sources.

Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value, and take the absolute value of the difference.

Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.

Multiply the quotient by 100% to get the percent error.

Here's an example:

Suppose you measure the length of a table to be 1.2 meters, but the accepted length is 1.0 meters. To calculate the percent error:

Experimental Value = 1.2 meters Accepted Value = 1.0 meters

|1.2 - 1.0| = 0.2 meters

0.2 / 1.0 = 0.2

0.2 x 100% = 20%

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 20%.

Remember that percent error is always expressed as a positive value. The larger the percent error, the less accurate the measurement or estimate is.


Sure, I'd be happy to help you calculate percent error. The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) x 100%

Here's an example to demonstrate how to use this formula:

Suppose you measure the length of a table to be 120 cm, but the actual length is 125 cm. What is the percent error?

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the measured value and the true value:

|Measured Value - True Value| = |120 cm - 125 cm| = 5 cm

Step 2: Calculate the absolute value of the difference:

|5 cm| = 5 cm

Step 3: Calculate the percent error using the formula:

Percent Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) x 100% Percent Error = (5 cm / 125 cm) x 100% Percent Error = 0.04 x 100% Percent Error = 4%

Therefore, the percent error is 4%.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Percent error is a measure of how far off a measured value is from the actual or expected value. The formula for calculating percent error is:

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - Actual Value|) / Actual Value] x 100%

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the actual or expected value of the quantity you are measuring.
  2. Measure or determine the value of the quantity using a measuring device or method.
  3. Subtract the actual or expected value from the measured value to find the difference.
  4. Take the absolute value of the difference.
  5. Divide the absolute value of the difference by the actual or expected value.
  6. Multiply the result by 100% to convert to a percentage.

For example, suppose you are measuring the length of a table and you know the actual length is 6 feet. You measure the length of the table as 5.8 feet. To calculate the percent error, you would use the formula:

Percent Error = [(|5.8 ft - 6 ft|) / 6 ft] x 100% Percent Error = [0.2 ft / 6 ft] x 100% Percent Error = 3.33%

In this case, the percent error is 3.33%, which means the measured value is 3.33% less than the actual value


Percent error is a way to measure the difference between an observed or measured value and a true or expected value, expressed as a percentage of the true value. It's typically used to evaluate the accuracy of experimental measurements.

To calculate percent error, you'll need to know the true value (often called the "accepted value") and the observed value (often called the "experimental value"). Here's the formula:

percent error = (|observed value - true value| / true value) x 100%

Here's an example calculation:

Suppose you're measuring the length of a piece of wood with a ruler, and the true length of the wood is 10 cm. Your ruler gives a measurement of 9.5 cm. To calculate the percent error, you would do the following:

percent error = (|9.5 cm - 10 cm| / 10 cm) x 100% percent error = (0.5 cm / 10 cm) x 100% percent error = 5%

So the percent error in this case is 5%. This means that the measured value is 5% lower than the true value.


Wagner777 avatar

Процент ошибки вычисляется по формуле:

(|Теоретическое значение - Экспериментальное значение| / Теоретическое значение) x 100%


  • Теоретическое значение - это ожидаемое значение измеряемой величины, которое можно получить, например, из уравнений или теории.
  • Экспериментальное значение - это измеренное значение этой же величины.


Допустим, мы измерили длину стола и получили значение 150 см, а теоретическое значение, указанное в спецификациях производителя, составляет 160 см. Тогда:

(|160 - 150| / 160) x 100% = 6.25%

Таким образом, процент ошибки равен 6.25%, что означает, что наше измеренное значение отличается от теоретического на 6.25%.


Here are the steps you can follos:

  1. Subtract the estimated or experimental value from the actual or true value. This will give you the error value.
  2. Divide the error value by the actual or true value.
  3. Multiply the quotient by 100 to get the percent error.

So the formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = (Error / True Value) x 100

For example, if the actual value is 10 and the estimated value is 8, then the error is 10 - 8 = 2. If you divide the error by the actual value, you get 2 / 10 = 0.2. If you multiply 0.2 by 100, you get the percent error of 20%.

I hope this helps.

MissJyo avatar


Percent error is a measure of the accuracy of an experiment or measurement. It is calculated by comparing the difference between the measured value and the actual value, and expressing this difference as a percentage of the actual value. The formula for percent error is:

Percent error = | (measured value - actual value) / actual value | * 100%

Here, the vertical bars around the expression (measured value - actual value) indicate that we take the absolute value of the difference, so that the percent error is always positive.

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the actual value or accepted value of the measurement.
  2. Measure the value of the same quantity using an experimental method or instrument.
  3. Calculate the difference between the measured value and the actual value.
  4. Divide the difference by the actual value.
  5. Multiply the result by 100% to get the percent error.

For example, suppose you measure the length of a pencil and get a value of 20.5 cm. The actual length of the pencil is 22 cm. To calculate the percent error of your measurement, you would use the following formula:

Percent error = | (20.5 cm - 22 cm) / 22 cm | * 100% Percent error = | (-1.5 cm) / 22 cm | * 100% Percent error = 6.8%

Therefore, your measurement has a percent error of 6.8%.











Vishul_Rajput avatar

Percent error is a measure of the accuracy of a measurement or calculation compared to the true or accepted value. To calculate percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) x 100%

Here's an example of how to use this formula:

Let's say you measure the length of a book to be 20 cm, but the true length of the book is 25 cm. To calculate the percent error, you would plug in the values:

Percent Error = (|20 - 25| / 25) x 100% Percent Error = (5 / 25) x 100% Percent Error = 0.2 x 100% Percent Error = 20%

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 20%, meaning the measured value is 20% lower than the true value.


  1. Subtract the actual value from the estimated value.
  2. Divide the results from step 1 with the real value.
  3. Multiply the results by 100 to find the total percentage.



Percent error is a measure of the accuracy of a measurement, compared to the true or accepted value. Here's how to calculate percent error:

Determine the accepted or true value. This is the value that is generally accepted as accurate or the "correct" value.

Measure the actual or experimental value. This is the value you have obtained through your measurement or experiment.

Calculate the difference between the accepted value and the actual value. Subtract the accepted value from the actual value.

Divide the difference by the accepted value. Divide the result from step 3 by the accepted value.

Multiply the quotient from step 4 by 100. This will give you the percent error.

Here is the formula for calculating percent error: Percent Error = (|Actual Value - Accepted Value| / Accepted Value) x 100%

Note: The absolute value is used to ensure that the result is positive, regardless of whether the actual value is greater than or less than the accepted value.



Percent error is a measure of how accurate a predicted or measured value is compared to the true or accepted value. Here's the formula to calculate percent error:

Percent Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) * 100

Follow these steps to calculate percent error:

  1. Find the difference between the measured value and the true value. Take the absolute value of this difference to ensure it is a positive number.
  2. Divide the absolute difference by the true value.
  3. Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

The result is the percent error, which represents how far off your measured value is from the true value in percentage terms.


A percent error is a measure of the difference between a quantity's measured or observed value and its true or accepted value. It is commonly used to assess the precision of experimental data. Here's how to calculate percent error:

percent error = (measured value - true value) / true value x 100


if the true value of a measurement is 50 and the measured value is 45, the error is 5. To calculate the percent error:

percent error = |(45 - 50) / 50| x 100 percent error 

                       = |-0.1| x 100 percent error = 10%

Therefore, the percent error is 10%.




The percent error is the difference between an experimental value and a theoretical value, divided by the theoretical value, multiplied by 100. It is usually used in scientific experiments to determine how accurate the results are.

The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = (|Experimental Value - Theoretical Value| / Theoretical Value) x 100%

Here's an example of how to calculate percent error:

Let's say you want to find the percent error between the experimental value and the theoretical value of the acceleration due to gravity, where the theoretical value is 9.81 m/s^2 and the experimental value is 9.6 m/s^2.

Step 1: Calculate the absolute difference between the experimental value and the theoretical value:

|Experimental Value - Theoretical Value| = |9.6 - 9.81| = 0.21

Step 2: Divide the absolute difference by the theoretical value:

0.21 / 9.81 = 0.021

Step 3: Multiply the result by 100% to get the percent error:

0.021 x 100% = 2.1%

Therefore, the percent error between the experimental value and the theoretical value of the acceleration due to gravity is 2.1%.


To calculate percentage error, you can use the following formula 
Percent Error = (Actual Value
Estimated Value) / (Exact value) x 100 

Here's how you can calculate percentage error: 

1. Subtract the theoretical value from the experimental value. 

2. Take the absolute value of the result. 

3. Divide that by the theoretical value. 

4. Multiply by 100 to get a percentage. 


To calculate the percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = (|Experimental Value - Accepted Value| / Accepted Value) x 100%


  • Experimental Value is the value that you obtained from your experiment or measurement.
  • Accepted Value is the known or expected value, usually obtained from a reference source.

To calculate the percent error, follow these steps:

  1. Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value.
  2. Take the absolute value of the difference.
  3. Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.
  4. Multiply the quotient by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Here is an example:

Suppose you want to measure the density of a substance, and the accepted value is 2.7 g/cm³. You obtained a value of 2.5 g/cm³ in your experiment. To calculate the percent error, you would use the formula:

Percent Error = (|2.5 - 2.7| / 2.7) x 100% Percent Error = (0.2 / 2.7) x 100% Percent Error = 7.41%

Therefore, the percent error is 7.41%.


Percent error is a measure of how far off a calculated or measured value is from the true or accepted value. It is calculated as the absolute value of the difference between the calculated/measured value and the true/accepted value, divided by the true/accepted value, and then multiplied by 100% to express the result as a percentage.

The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = |(Measured/Calculated Value - True/Accepted Value) / (True/Accepted Value)| x 100%

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

Determine the true or accepted value. This is usually a value that is given in a problem or experiment or a value that is widely accepted in the scientific community.

Determine the measured or calculated value. This is the value that was obtained through measurement or calculation.

Calculate the difference between the measured/calculated value and the true/accepted value.

Divide the difference by the true/accepted value.

Take the absolute value of the result obtained in step 4.

Multiply the result obtained in step 5 by 100% to express the result as a percentage.

Here's an example:

Suppose you measured the length of a piece of rope to be 98 cm, but the true length of the rope is 100 cm. To calculate the percent error, you would use the following formula:

Percent Error = |(Measured Value - True Value) / True Value| x 100%

Percent Error = |(98 cm - 100 cm) / 100 cm| x 100%

Percent Error = |-2 cm / 100 cm| x 100%

Percent Error = 2%

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 2%.


Percentage error is the deviation from the true value expressed as a percentage

Percentage error is calculated as;(obtained value-true value)/true value*100%



Percent error is a measure of the difference between an estimated or measured value and the true or accepted value. It is expressed as a percentage of the true or accepted value.

Here's the formula for percent error:

percent error = |(estimated value - true value) / true value| x 100%

Let's walk through an example together to demonstrate how to use this formula.

Suppose you are measuring the length of a piece of wood and you get a value of 98 centimeters. The true length of the wood is 100 centimeters. To calculate the percent error, you would use the formula:

percent error = |(estimated value - true value) / true value| x 100%

percent error = |(98 - 100) / 100| x 100%

percent error = |-0.02| x 100%

percent error = 2%

Therefore, the percent error is 2%.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.



AnswersUp_321228139 avatar

Here's the formula for percent error:

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - Actual Value|) / Actual Value] x 100%

To calculate the percent error, you need to subtract the actual value from the measured value, take the absolute value of the difference, divide that by the actual value, and then multiply the result by 100% to convert it to a percentage.



Certainly! I would be happy to help you calculate percent error.

To calculate percent error, you will need to know the actual or accepted value (often denoted as "A") and the experimental or measured value (often denoted as "M"). The formula for percent error is:

percent error = | (A - M) / A | x 100%

Here's an example to help illustrate the calculation:

Let's say you are trying to determine the density of an object, and you know the actual or accepted density is 5.0 g/cm3. You measure the density of the object and get a value of 4.5 g/cm3. To calculate the percent error, you would use the formula as follows:

percent error = | (A - M) / A | x 100% percent error = | (5.0 - 4.5) / 5.0 | x 100% percent error = | 0.5 / 5.0 | x 100% percent error = 0.1 x 100% percent error = 10%

In this example, the percent error is 10%, which means that the experimental value (4.5 g/cm3) is 10% lower than the actual or accepted value (5.0 g/cm3).

I hope this helps you with your calculation! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.


Percentage error is a measurement of the discrepancy between an observed (measured) and a true (expected, accepted, known etc.) value. It is typically used to compare measured vs. known values as well as to assess whether the measurements taken are valid.

The steps below can be used to determine the percentage of inaccuracy between an observed value and a theoretical or accepted value:

Add the accepted value to the observed value to get the result. You'll receive the difference between the two values as a result.

Subtract the difference from the agreed-upon amount.

To convert the result into a percentage, multiply it by 100.

The percent inaccuracy formula is:

[(Observed Value - Accepted Value) / Accepted Value] x 100% = Percent Error.

The percent error would be calculated as follows, for instance, if the accepted value of a measurement is 50 and the observed value is 45:

Error percentage equals [(45 - 50) / 50] x 100%
Error in Percent = (-5/50) x 100%
Error percentage = -0.1 x 100%
Error percentage: -10%

In this example, the percent error is negative, indicating that the observed value is lower than the accepted value. If the percent error had been positive, it would have indicated that the observed value was higher than the accepted value. 


To calculate percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = | (Experimental Value - Theoretical Value) / Theoretical Value | x 100%

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the formula:

1. Determine the experimental value and theoretical value. For example, if you conducted an experiment to measure the density of a substance and obtained a value of 5.2 g/cm^3, and the accepted or theoretical value is 5.6 g/cm^3, then the experimental value is 5.2 g/cm^3 and the theoretical value is 5.6 g/cm^3.

2. Subtract the theoretical value from the experimental value. In this case, you would subtract 5.6 g/cm^3 from 5.2 g/cm^3, which gives you -0.4 g/cm^3.

3. Divide the absolute value of the difference by the theoretical value. In this case, you would divide | -0.4 g/cm^3 | by 5.6 g/cm^3, which gives you 0.0714.

4. Multiply the result by 100% to get the percent error. In this case, you would multiply 0.0714 by 100%, which gives you a percent error of 7.14%.

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 7.14%.


To calculate percent error, you need to compare the experimental value with the accepted or theoretical value. The formula for percent error is:

Percent error = (|experimental value - accepted value| / accepted value) x 100%

Here's an example of how to calculate percent error:

Let's say the accepted value for the density of a substance is 2.70 g/mL, but your experimental value is 2.55 g/mL. To calculate the percent error, you would first subtract the accepted value from the experimental value:

|2.55 g/mL - 2.70 g/mL| = 0.15 g/mL

Then, you would divide the absolute value of the difference by the accepted value:

0.15 g/mL / 2.70 g/mL = 0.0556

Finally, you would multiply the result by 100% to express it as a percentage:

0.0556 x 100% = 5.56%

Therefore, the percent error in this case is 5.56%. 


Percent error is the difference between estimated value and the actual value in comparison to the actual value and is expressed as a percentage. In other words, the percent error is the relative error multiplied by 100.

The formula for percent error is:

PE = (|Estimated value-Actual value|/ Actual value) × 100


Percent error fomula


T = True or Actual value

E = Estimated value


Sure, I can help you with that! Percent error is a useful way to quantify the difference between an experimental (measured) value and a theoretical (accepted or true) value in terms of a percentage. To calculate the percent error, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the accepted or true value (T) and the experimental or measured value (E).

2. Calculate the difference between the two values: |T - E|

3. Divide the difference by the accepted or true value: |T - E| / T

4. Multiply the result by 100 to express it as a percentage: (|T - E| / T) * 100

The final result will be the percent error. Keep in mind that the percent error can be positive or negative, depending on whether the experimental value is larger or smaller than the true value. However, by using the absolute value in the calculation, the result will always be a non-negative number, indicating the magnitude of the error without specifying the direction.

Here's a simple example:

Suppose the true value (T) is 50, and the experimental value (E) you measured is 45.

1. Calculate the difference: |T - E| = |50 - 45| = 5
2. Divide the difference by the true value: 5 / 50 = 0.1
3. Multiply by 100 to get the percentage: 0.1 * 100 = 10%

In this case, the percent error is 10%.


Of course! I'd be happy to help you with calculating percent error.

To calculate percent error, you'll need to know the exact or accepted value and the experimental or measured value. The formula for percent error is:

percent error = (|exact value - experimental value| / exact value) x 100%

Here's an example of how to calculate percent error:

Suppose the accepted value of a measurement is 20, and the measured value is 18. The percent error can be calculated as follows:

percent error = (|20 - 18| / 20) x 100%
            = (2 / 20) x 100%
            = 0.1 x 100%
            = 10%

So the percent error in this case is 10%.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.


Percent error is a measure of the discrepancy between the true value and the estimated or measured value of a quantity, expressed as a percentage. The formula for calculating percent error is:

percent error = (|true value - estimated value| / true value) x 100%

Here, "|" represents absolute value, which means that the result of the subtraction is always positive.

To calculate percent error, you need to know the true value and the estimated value of the quantity.

For example, let's say you measure the length of a rod and find it to be 98 cm, but you know that the true length of the rod is 100 cm. To calculate the percent error, you would use the formula as follows:

percent error = (|100 cm - 98 cm| / 100 cm) x 100% percent error = (2 cm / 100 cm) x 100% percent error = 2%

Therefore, the percent error in this case is 2%. This means that the measured value is 2% lower than the true value.



To calculate percent error, you first need to have a measured value and an accepted or expected value. The formula for percent error is:

| (measured value - accepted value) / accepted value | x 100%

Here are the steps to calculate percent error:

Determine the measured value of the quantity you want to calculate the percent error for.

Determine the accepted or expected value of the same quantity.

Subtract the accepted value from the measured value.

Take the absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the accepted value.

Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.

Multiply the result by 100% to convert it to a percentage.

Here is an example:

Suppose you measured the length of a pencil to be 18.5 cm, but the accepted value for the length of the pencil is 20 cm. To calculate the percent error, you would use the formula:

| (18.5 cm - 20 cm) / 20 cm | x 100% = 7.5%

So the percent error is 7.5%, which means that your measured value was 7.5% lower than the accepted value.


The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = ((|Measured Value - Actual Value|) / Actual Value) x 100%

To calculate percent error, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the actual value of the quantity you are measuring. This could be a value you obtained from a reliable source, or a value you want to compare your measurement against.

2. Measure or estimate the value of the quantity you are interested in. This could be a physical measurement or a calculation.

3. Calculate the difference between the measured value and the actual value, using absolute value. The absolute value ensures that the difference is positive.

4. Divide the absolute difference between the measured value and the actual value by the actual value.

5. Multiply the result by 100% to convert it into a percentage.

Here is an example to illustrate the steps:

Suppose you are measuring the length of a bookshelf and you obtain a measurement of 150 cm. The actual length of the bookshelf, as stated by the manufacturer, is 160 cm. You can calculate the percent error as follows:

1. Actual value = 160 cm
2. Measured value = 150 cm
3. Absolute difference = |150 cm - 160 cm| = 10 cm
4. Percent error = (10 cm / 160 cm) x 100% = 6.25%

Therefore, the percent error in your measurement of the bookshelf length is 6.25%.


To calculate the percent error, follow these steps:

1. Determine the experimental or measured value: This is the value you obtained through experimentation or measurement.

2. Determine the accepted or theoretical value: This is the value that is widely accepted or expected in theory, often based on established data or a known standard.

3. Calculate the difference between the experimental value and the accepted value: Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value. This step indicates the deviation or error.

  Error = Experimental Value - Accepted Value

4. Calculate the absolute value of the error: Take the absolute value of the error to ensure that the result is positive, regardless of whether the experimental value is higher or lower than the accepted value.

  Absolute Error = |Error|

5. Calculate the percent error: Divide the absolute error by the accepted value and multiply by 100 to express the error as a percentage.

  Percent Error = (Absolute Error / Accepted Value) * 100

Here's an example to illustrate the calculation:

Let's say you measured the length of an object in an experiment and obtained a value of 8.5 cm. The accepted value for the length of the object is 9.2 cm.

1. Experimental Value: 8.5 cm
2. Accepted Value: 9.2 cm

3. Error = Experimental Value - Accepted Value
  Error = 8.5 cm - 9.2 cm = -0.7 cm

4. Absolute Error = |Error| = |-0.7 cm| = 0.7 cm

5. Percent Error = (Absolute Error / Accepted Value) * 100
  Percent Error = (0.7 cm / 9.2 cm) * 100 ≈ 7.61%

In this example, the percent error is approximately 7.61%, indicating that the experimental value deviates from the accepted value by that percentage.


To calculate percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = (|experimental value - accepted value| / accepted value) x 100%

Here, "experimental value" is the value you obtained through your experiment or calculation, while "accepted value" is the true or expected value.

To calculate the percent error, subtract the accepted value from the experimental value, take the absolute value of the difference, and then divide that by the accepted value. Finally, multiply the result by 100% to express it as a percentage.

For example, if the accepted value is 50 and the experimental value is 45, then the percent error would be calculated as follows:

Percent Error = (|45 - 50| / 50) x 100% Percent Error = (5 / 50) x 100% Percent Error = 10%

Therefore, the percent error in this case is 10%.


To calculate the percent error, you need to compare the measured or experimental value to the accepted or theoretical value. The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = |(Measured Value - Accepted Value) / Accepted Value| x 100%

Here's how to use the formula to calculate percent error:

Determine the measured or experimental value of the quantity you are trying to calculate the percent error for.

Determine the accepted or theoretical value of the same quantity. This value may be provided in the problem or obtained from a reference source.

Calculate the difference between the measured value and the accepted value by subtracting the accepted value from the measured value.

Divide the absolute value of the difference between the measured and accepted values by the accepted value.

Multiply the result obtained in step 4 by 100 to get the percent error.

For example, let's say you are trying to measure the density of a substance and your measured value is 8.5 g/mL, while the accepted value is 8.9 g/mL. Using the formula for percent error, we get:

Percent Error = |(Measured Value - Accepted Value) / Accepted Value| x 100% Percent Error = |(8.5 - 8.9) / 8.9| x 100% Percent Error = |-0.0449| x 100% Percent Error = 4.49%

Therefore, the percent error in this case is 4.49%.




To calculate percent error, you need to compare the experimental value to the accepted or theoretical value and determine the difference between them. The formula for percent error is as follows:

Percent Error = [(|Experimental Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value] x 100%

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate percent error:

1. Determine the accepted or theoretical value: This is the value that is generally recognized or expected as accurate. It could be a known constant, a measurement from a trusted source, or a value obtained from a previous experiment.

2. Measure or determine the experimental value: This is the value you obtained through your own measurement or experiment.

3. Calculate the difference between the experimental and accepted values: Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value. Take the absolute value of this difference to ensure it is positive.

  Difference = |Experimental Value - Accepted Value|

4. Divide the difference by the accepted value: Divide the absolute difference you calculated in step 3 by the accepted value.

  Relative Difference = Difference / Accepted Value

5. Multiply the relative difference by 100%: To express the error as a percentage, multiply the relative difference by 100%.

  Percent Error = Relative Difference x 100%

6. Round the percent error (if necessary): Depending on the level of precision required, you may choose to round the percent error to a specific number of decimal places.

That's how you calculate percent error. Remember that percent error indicates the relative deviation between the experimental and accepted values, allowing you to evaluate the accuracy of your measurement or experimental results.


To calculate percent error, you first need to determine the experimental value and the accepted value. The experimental value is the value that you obtained through your experiment or calculation, while the accepted value is the value that is widely accepted as the true or correct value.
Once you have these two values, you can use the following formula to calculate percent error:
Percent Error = |(Experimental Value - Accepted Value) / Accepted Value| x 100%
The absolute value of the difference between the experimental and accepted values is divided by the accepted value, and then multiplied by 100% to get the percent error.


To calculate percent error, you need to compare the measured or observed value with the accepted or theoretical value. The percent error formula is as follows:

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value] x 100

Here are the steps to calculate percent error:

Determine the measured value: This is the value you obtained through experimentation or measurement.

Identify the accepted value: This is the value that is widely recognized as the correct or expected value, often obtained from a reliable source or a theoretical calculation.

Calculate the difference: Subtract the accepted value from the measured value, making sure to take the absolute value (ignoring any negative sign).

|Measured Value - Accepted Value|

Divide the difference by the accepted value: Divide the absolute difference obtained in step 3 by the accepted value.

(|Measured Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value

Multiply the result by 100: Take the quotient from step 4 and multiply it by 100 to express the error as a percentage.

[(|Measured Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value] x 100

The resulting value will represent the percent error between the measured value and the accepted value. A positive percent error indicates that the measured value is higher than the accepted value, while a negative percent error indicates that the measured value is lower than the accepted value.


To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

1. Subtract the experimental value from the accepted value. This will give you the difference between the two values.
2. Divide the difference by the accepted value.
3. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percent error.

The formula for percent error is:

percent error = (|experimental value - accepted value| / accepted value) x 100

For example, let's say you measured the weight of an object and got 25 grams, but the accepted value is 30 grams. The percent error would be:

percent error = (|25 - 30| / 30) x 100
percent error = (5 / 30) x 100
percent error = 0.1667 x 100
percent error = 16.67%

So the percent error in this case is 16.67%. This means that the experimental value is off by 16.67% from the accepted value.


Of course! I can help you calculate the percent error. Percent error is a way to quantify the difference between an observed or measured value and an expected or true value. The formula for calculating percent error is as follows:

Percent Error = [(|Observed Value - True Value|) / |True Value|] * 100%

Here's a step-by-step guide to calculating percent error:

1. Determine the observed value: This is the value you obtained through measurement or experimentation.

2. Identify the true value: This is the accepted or expected value, often provided in a reference source or determined through a known standard.

3. Find the absolute difference: Subtract the true value from the observed value, and take the absolute value of the result. This ensures that the difference is positive.

4. Divide the absolute difference by the true value: Divide the absolute difference by the true value.

5. Multiply by 100%: Multiply the result by 100 to express the error as a percentage.

6. Round the result if desired: Round the percent error to an appropriate number of decimal places, depending on the level of precision required.

Let's work through an example:

Suppose the true value of a measurement is 10 and the observed value is 9.5.

Step 1: Observed Value = 9.5
Step 2: True Value = 10

Step 3: Absolute Difference = |9.5 - 10| = 0.5

Step 4: Divide the Absolute Difference by the True Value = 0.5 / 10 = 0.05

Step 5: Multiply by 100% = 0.05 * 100% = 5%

So, in this example, the percent error is 5%.

Remember that percent error indicates the relative deviation from the true value, with a higher percentage representing a larger discrepancy. It is commonly used in scientific and experimental contexts to assess the accuracy of measurements or experimental results.


Percent error is a measure of the accuracy of a measurement or an approximation compared to the true or accepted value. It is commonly used in scientific and experimental calculations.

The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - True Value|) / True Value] * 100

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the measured value. This is the value you obtained from your measurement or calculation.

Step 2: Determine the true value. This is the accepted or known value, often provided in the problem or from a reliable source.

Step 3: Calculate the difference between the measured value and the true value by taking the absolute value of their difference.

Step 4: Divide the absolute difference by the true value.

Step 5: Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percent error.

Here's an example to illustrate the calculation of percent error:

Suppose you measured the weight of an object and obtained a value of 15 grams. The true value, as determined by a highly accurate scale, is 18 grams.

Step 1: Measured Value = 15 grams Step 2: True Value = 18 grams Step 3: |Measured Value - True Value| = |15 - 18| = 3 grams Step 4: Percent Error = (3 grams / 18 grams) * 100 = 16.67%

In this example, the percent error is 16.67%. It indicates that the measured value differs from the true value by approximately 16.67%.

Remember, percent error can be positive or negative, depending on whether the measured value is greater or less than the true value. The absolute value is taken to ensure a positive percent error.


To calculate percent error, use the following formula:

Percent Error = [(|Experimental Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value] x 100

Here's how to use the formula:

1. Determine the experimental value and the accepted value for the quantity you are measuring.

2. Subtract the accepted value from the experimental value, taking the absolute value of this difference.

3. Divide the absolute value of the difference by the accepted value.

4. Multiply the quotient by 100 to convert the result to a percentage.

For example, if you measure a length of a rod as 10 cm, but the actual length of the rod is 12 cm, then the percent error would be:

Percent Error = [(|10 cm - 12 cm|) / 12 cm] x 100
= (2 cm / 12 cm) x 100
= 16.67%

So, the percent error would be 16.67%.


To calculate the percentage error, you can use the following formula:

Percentage Error = (|Measured Value - True Value| / True Value) x 100

Here's how you can calculate the percentage error:

1. Determine the measured value. This is the value you obtained through your measurement or observation.

2. Determine the true value. This is the accepted or expected value that you are comparing your measured value to. It is usually provided or known beforehand.

3. Calculate the absolute difference between the measured value and the true value. To do this, subtract the true value from the measured value and take the absolute value (ignoring any negative signs).

4. Divide the absolute difference by the true value.

5. Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage error.

Here's an example:
If the true value is 10 and the measured value is 8, you can calculate the percentage error as follows:

Absolute Difference = |8 - 10| = 2
Percentage Error = (2 / 10) x 100 = 20%

So, in this example, the percentage error would be 20%.


The method of calculating percentage error is very simple. Firstly, calculate the error (subtracting two numbers), disregarding negative signs (if any). Then, divide the error by the exact value (to obtain the decimal). Finally, convert to a percentage (multiply by 100, then add the "%" symbol).
This is the formula for "percentage error": | approximate value - exact value| ×  100% ÷ | Exact value | (The "|" symbol means absolute value, so negative numbers become positive numbers). For example, I thought 70 people would come to the concert, but 80 people came| 70 − 80 | ÷ | 80| ×  100%=10 ÷ 80 ×  100%=12.5%. My error is 12.5%.
I hope this information is helpful to you!


To calculate the percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - True Value|) / True Value] x 100

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate percent error:

Determine the measured value: This is the value you obtained through measurement or experimentation.

Determine the true value: This is the accepted or expected value, often obtained from a reliable source or a reference.

Calculate the absolute difference between the measured value and the true value by subtracting the true value from the measured value and taking the absolute value of the result.

|Measured Value - True Value|

Divide the absolute difference by the true value.

(|Measured Value - True Value|) / True Value

Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percent error.

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - True Value|) / True Value] x 100

Make sure to use the absolute value when calculating the difference to ensure that the percent error is always positive.


The formula for calculating percent error is as follows:

Percent Error = (|Observed Value - Expected Value| / Expected Value) * 100

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate percent error:

Determine the observed value: This is the value you obtained from your experiment or measurement.

Determine the expected value: This is the value that you were expecting or that is accepted as the correct value.

Calculate the absolute difference between the observed and expected values by subtracting the expected value from the observed value. Take the absolute value of this difference to ensure the result is positive.

Divide the absolute difference by the expected value.

Multiply the result by 100 to get the percent error.

Here's an example to illustrate the calculation:

Let's say you were measuring the density of a substance and obtained an observed value of 4.5 g/cm³. The accepted or expected value for the density is 4.2 g/cm³.

Step 1: Observed Value = 4.5 g/cm³ Step 2: Expected Value = 4.2 g/cm³

Step 3: Absolute Difference = |4.5 g/cm³ - 4.2 g/cm³| = 0.3 g/cm³

Step 4: Divide the absolute difference by the expected value: 0.3 g/cm³ / 4.2 g/cm³ = 0.0714

Step 5: Multiply by 100 to get the percent error: 0.0714 * 100 = 7.14%

Therefore, the percent error in this example is 7.14%.

I hope this helps you in calculating the percent error. If you have any further questions, please let me know!


Here's the formula for calculating percent error:

Percent Error = [(|Measured Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value] * 100

To calculate percent error, follow these steps:

Determine the measured value: This is the value you obtained through your measurement or experiment.

Identify the accepted value: This is the known or expected value for the quantity you are measuring. It could be a reference value or a value provided in a problem statement.

Calculate the absolute difference between the measured value and the accepted value by subtracting the accepted value from the measured value and taking the absolute value of the result.

Absolute Difference = |Measured Value - Accepted Value|

Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.

Relative Difference = Absolute Difference / Accepted Value

Multiply the relative difference by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Percent Error = Relative Difference * 100

By following these steps, you will obtain the percent error, which indicates how much your measured value deviates from the accepted value as a percentage.


Percentage error is simply the error measured in percentage. Suppose you have done experiment in laboratory and you arrived at some result called as measured value. If you know the standard or true value of the the result obtained. Then error is 

error = (measured value - true value) / true value

the percentage error is (measured value - true value) / true value multiply by 100

Percentage error is needs to be minimum 



Here is the formula for calculating percent error:

Percent error = (absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the actual value) / (actual value) * 100%

To calculate percent error, you need to know the following:

The measured value: This is the value that you actually measured.
The actual value: This is the true value of the quantity that you are measuring.

Once you have these two values, you can calculate the percent error by following these steps:

Find the absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the actual value. This means that if the measured value is less than the actual value, you will need to take the negative of the difference.

Divide the absolute value of the difference by the actual value.

Multiply the result by 100%.

The resulting value is the percent error.

  • For example, let's say that you measured the length of a line to be 10 cm, but the actual length of the line is 10.5 cm. The percent error would be calculated as follows:
  • Find the absolute value of the difference between the measured value and the actual value. In this case, the difference is 0.5 cm.
  • Divide the absolute value of the difference by the actual value. In this case, 0.5 cm / 10.5 cm = 0.047619.
  • Multiply the result by 100%. In this case, 0.047619 * 100% = 4.76%.
  • Therefore, the percent error in this case is 4.76%. 
  • This means that the measured value is 4.76% less than the actual value.

AnswersUp_1284144201 avatar

To calculate percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = [(|Observed Value - Expected Value|) / Expected Value] × 100

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate percent error:

1. Determine the observed value: This is the value you have obtained through measurement or experimentation.

2. Determine the expected value: This is the value that is considered to be accurate or the value you were expecting to obtain.

3. Subtract the expected value from the observed value. Take the absolute value of the difference to eliminate any negative sign.

4. Divide the absolute difference by the expected value.

5. Multiply the quotient by 100 to convert it into a percentage.

Let's take an example to illustrate the calculation:

Suppose you are measuring the density of a substance and the accepted or expected value for the density is 2.5 g/cm³. However, your experimental measurement yielded a value of 2.3 g/cm³.

Step 1: Observed Value = 2.3 g/cm³
Step 2: Expected Value = 2.5 g/cm³

Step 3: |Observed Value - Expected Value| = |2.3 - 2.5| = 0.2

Step 4: Percent Error = (0.2 / 2.5) × 100 = 8%

So, the percent error in this case is 8%. This means that the measured value is 8% lower than the expected value.


Considere que el comerciante midió 1.98 kg de mangos para usted, pero usted tenía la intención de comprar 2 kg. 

En este caso, el error absoluto será 2 - 1.98 = 0.02.

Por el contrario, el error absoluto se divide por el valor inicial para determinar el porcentaje de error, que luego se multiplica por 100. 

Un número sin unidades es el porcentaje de error.

El error absoluto en la ilustración mencionada es 0.02.

Después de eso, lo dividiremos por 20 para determinar el porcentaje de error.

20 / 0.02 es igual a 0.001.

En este caso, 0,001 X 100 = 0,1 por ciento representa el porcentaje de error.


To find percentage error 

1. Find mean error

2. Find mean absolute error

3. Find fractional error

4. Then multiply fractional error by 100


Hi,please follow these steps to calculate percent error.

Identify the True Value: Determine the true, correct, or accepted value. This value is usually the theoretical or expected value that you are comparing your measurement against.

Obtain the Measured Value: Measure or obtain the experimental value. This value is the result of your actual measurement or observation.

Subtract the True Value from the Measured Value: Subtract the true value from the measured value. This step gives you the difference between the two values.

Take the Absolute Value: Since percent error should always be positive, take the absolute value of the difference calculated in the previous step.

Divide by the True Value: Divide the absolute difference by the true value.

Multiply by 100: Multiply the result from the previous step by 100 to express the error as a percentage.

The formula for percent error is:

Percent Error = |(Measured Value - True Value) / True Value| * 100

Here's a step-by-step example:

Let's say you are measuring the density of a substance and you know the true or accepted value for the density is 8.95 g/cm³. After conducting your experiment, you find that your measured density is 8.68 g/cm³.

  1. True Value = 8.95 g/cm³ (The accepted value)
  2. Measured Value = 8.68 g/cm³

Percent Error = |(8.68 - 8.95) / 8.95| * 100

Percent Error = |(-0.27) / 8.95| * 100

Percent Error = 0.0302 * 100

Percent Error ≈ 3.02%

The percent error in this example is approximately 3.02%. This means your measured value is about 3.02% lower than the true or accepted value of the density. Note that a positive percent error would indicate your measured value is higher than the true value.

Rimisha avatar

To calculate percent error, subtract the experimental value from the accepted (true) value, divide the result by the accepted value, and multiply by 100. The formula is: (|Experimental Value - Accepted Value| / Accepted Value) * 100. This gives you the percent error.🙂

369175642 avatar

To calculate percent error, you can use the following formula:

Percent Error = [(|Observed Value - Accepted Value|) / Accepted Value] x 100

Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Determine the "Observed Value" or the value you obtained through your measurement or calculation.

2. Identify the "Accepted Value" or the value that is considered to be the true or accepted measurement.

3. Calculate the absolute difference between the observed and accepted values by subtracting the accepted value from the observed value. Make sure to take the absolute value (ignore the negative sign).

4. Divide the absolute difference by the accepted value.

5. Multiply the result by 100 to get the percent error.

For example, if you measured the length of an object and obtained a value of 10 cm, but the accepted or known value is 9 cm, the calculation would be:

Percent Error = [(|10 - 9|) / 9] x 100 = (1 / 9) x 100 = 11.11%

So, the percent error in this case would be 11.11%.

AnswersUp_56095584 avatar

Percent error is a proportion of the precision of an estimation or an exploratory outcome contrasted with known or anticipated esteem. It lets you know how far away your estimation is from the acknowledged or hypothetical worth. Here is the recipe to compute the percent blunder:

Percent error = |(Experimental Worth - Acknowledged Worth)/Acknowledged Value| x 100 percent

Here is a bit-by-bit guide on the most proficient method to compute percent mistakes:

Decide the Exploratory Worth: This is the worth you got through your estimation or investigation.

Track down the Acknowledged or Hypothetical Worth: This is the known, expected, or standard worth against which you're looking at your exploratory worth. This worth is normally found in reference sources or given in your trial's guidelines.

Work out the Distinction: Take away the acknowledged worth from the exploratory worth. The outcome can be positive or negative, demonstrating whether your estimation is higher or lower than the acknowledged worth.

Contrast = Exploratory Worth - Acknowledged Worth

Take the Outright Worth: To guarantee that the percent error is consistently certain, take the outright worth (disregard the negative indication) of the distinction.

|Difference| = |Experimental Worth - Acknowledged Value|

Work out Percent error: Separation the outright contrast by the acknowledged worth and duplicate by 100 percent to communicate the mistake as a rate.

Percent Mistake = |Difference/Acknowledged Value| x 100 percent

Presently, you have the percent blunder, which addresses how far away your estimation is from the acknowledged worth. A percent blunder of 0% would demonstrate that your estimation is great (precisely matches the acknowledged worth), while a bigger percent mistake recommends a more noteworthy deviation from the acknowledged worth.

Here is a model:

Suppose you're estimating the thickness of a substance, and the acknowledged or hypothetical thickness is 8.0 g/cm³. Your investigation provides you with a thickness of 7.5 g/cm³.

Percent Mistake = |(7.5 g/cm³ - 8.0 g/cm³)/8.0 g/cm³| x 100 percent
Percent Mistake = |(- 0.5 g/cm³)/8.0 g/cm³| x 100 percent
Percent Mistake = (0.0625) x 100 percent
Percent Mistake = 6.25%

In this model, the percent mistake is 6.25%, demonstrating that your trial esteem is 6.25% lower than the acknowledged worth.


using this formula:

Percent Error=∣Experimental Value−Accepted ValueAccepted Value∣×100%.Percent Error=∣∣​Accepted ValueExperimental Value−Accepted Value​∣∣​×100%.

If you have an experimental value and an accepted (true or theoretical) value, simply subtract the accepted value from the experimental value. Then, divide that result by the accepted value. Finally, take the absolute value of this quotient and multiply by 100 to get the percent error.


Porcentaje de error=∣∣​Valor realValor real−Valor estimado​∣∣​×100%


  • (\left| \frac{\text{Valor real} - \text{Valor estimado}}{\text{Valor real}} \


Finding out percentage error is a way of identifying how much does the measured value deviates with respect to its actual value. It can be simply measured using the following steps:

1. Find the difference between measured value and actual value , let it be x

2. Now divide the above x value by the true value , let the answer be y

3. Now multiply y with 100 will give you the percentage error

So percentage error = ( (measured value - true value)/true value ) * 100

If the percentage error is positive then the measured value exceeds true value

If the percentage error is negative then the true value exceeds the measured value

Eventhough this can be a theoretical method to identify the relative error but cannot be assumed as the most accurate or ideal one

Let's look into this with a detailed example

Let's  say we have a material of density 4 kg/m3 Now we are asked to find the density of that material by some other measurement technique. Suppose the value measured is found to be 5 kg/m3 . So we can see a clear difference now with these two values, that is, 1 kg/m3. Now by using percentage error we are going to find out how much is this difference with respect to the true value ie, 1/4 = 0.25. Now to convert it into percentage multiply it by 100 ie, 0.25*100 = 25

That is percentage error is 25 % .

That means if we use this measured value instead of the true value to calculate any other parameters , the answer would differ by 25%.



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