
December 05
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What do foxes eat?

30 Answers:

biscuitsaccordionrat avatar

Contrary to popular belief, foxes are not carnivores, but actually omnivores. In the wild, foxes will eat a wide variety of foods, although their diet is primarily meat-based. Generally, they will hunt animals when available but settle for plants when they can’t catch meat. In particular, they enjoy high protein, fatty foods like fish, eggs, and birds. That said, they also enjoy sweet and savory foods, like fruit, dairy, and nuts. Overall, you can boil down the foods that foxes like to eat into 15 categories.

Furthermore, in a day, they eat about 300g to 450g of a diet comprising small prey such as birds, rabbits, and mice. Though they are omnivores, they only eat fruits and ground nuts when there is food scarcity. However, when food is abundant, they will hunt excess and bury them for seasons like winter when the food is scarce.

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Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plant and animal matter. In the wild, foxes primarily eat small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and birds, but they also eat insects, fruits, and berries. Foxes are opportunistic feeders, which means that they will eat whatever food is readily available to them. In urban areas, foxes may also scavenge for food, such as garbage or food that has been left out for pets. Some foxes also eat fish, and they have been known to hunt for food in streams and rivers.


Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. They are known to hunt and eat small mammals such as rodents and rabbits, as well as insects, birds, and eggs. They also eat fruit, berries, and other plant material. In some cases, foxes may also scavenge for food and eat whatever is available, including human food and garbage.


Foxes are carnivorous mammals that belong to the Canidae family, which also includes wolves, dogs, and jackals. There are about 12 species of foxes, which are found on every continent except Antarctica. Foxes are small to medium-sized animals, with a body length of about 20-35 inches and a weight of 3-15 pounds. They have a pointed snout, large pointed ears, and a long, bushy tail.

Foxes are omnivorous animals and will eat a wide variety of food, including small mammals, birds, insects, fruit, and vegetables. They are known for their intelligence and adaptability, and are found in a variety of habitats including forests, grasslands, and urban areas. Some species of foxes, such as the red fox, are common in many parts of the world, while others, such as the Arctic fox, are found in more specialized habitats.

AnswersUp_90488703 avatar

Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, foxes will eat a variety of different types of food depending on what is available to them. This can include small mammals such as rabbits, rodents, and birds, as well as insects, fruit, and berries. Foxes are also known to scavenge for food, which means that they will eat anything they come across that is edible, including garbage and other human foods. In general, foxes are adaptable animals and will eat whatever food is most readily available to them.


Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat a variety of different things. They are known to eat small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and hares, as well as insects, fish, birds, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. Foxes also scavenge for food, and will eat carrion or garbage if it is available. They are opportunistic feeders, which means they will eat whatever food is most readily available to them.


Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat a variety of different types of food. Their diet can include small mammals such as rodents and rabbits, insects, fruits and berries, and even fish and birds. They will opportunistically eat other foods as well depending on what is available to them.

Lifeisgood avatar

Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat both meat and plants. Their diet varies depending on the season and availability of food, but their primary food sources include:

Small mammals: Foxes are skilled hunters and will prey on a variety of small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and hares.

Birds: Foxes will also eat birds, including chickens, ducks, and pheasants.

Insects: Foxes will eat insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, and worms.

Fruits and berries: During the summer and fall, foxes will eat fruits and berries such as apples, cherries, and blackberries.

Carrion: Foxes are scavengers and will eat carrion, or dead animals, when they can find it.

Overall, foxes have a varied diet and are adaptable to changing food sources, which makes them highly successful animals in many different habitats

Red Fox: Red foxes are the most common species of fox and can be found in many different habitats. They typically live 2-4 years in the wild, but can live up to 14 years in captivity. They weigh between 6-15 pounds (2.7-6.8 kg) and stand about 14-20 inches (35-50 cm) tall at the shoulder.

Arctic Fox: Arctic foxes are found in the Arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. They have a thick fur coat that helps them survive in cold temperatures. They typically live 3-4 years in the wild and up to 14 years in captivity. They weigh between 6-10 pounds (2.7-4.5 kg) and stand about 10-15 inches (25-38 cm) tall at the shoulder.

Fennec Fox: Fennec foxes are the smallest species of fox and are found in the Sahara Desert of North Africa. They have large ears that help them regulate their body temperature. They typically live 10-14 years in captivity. They weigh between 1-3 pounds (0.5-1.4 kg) and stand about 8 inches (20 cm) tall at the shoulder.

It's important to note that these are general characteristics, and individual foxes can vary in size and lifespan based on factors such as diet, habitat, and genetics.


Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means they eat a wide variety of foods including both plants and animals. Here are some of the foods that foxes commonly eat:

Small mammals - Foxes are known to hunt and eat small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and hares.

Birds - Foxes may also hunt and eat birds, particularly ground-nesting species.

Insects - Foxes will sometimes eat insects, particularly during the warmer months when insects are more plentiful.

Fruits and berries - Foxes will eat fruits and berries when they are available, particularly in the late summer and early fall.

Carrion - Foxes will sometimes scavenge carrion, or the remains of dead animals, particularly during the winter months when food is scarce.

It's important to note that the specific diet of a fox can vary depending on factors such as its location and the season of the year.


The term "omnivore" refers to an animal that consumes both plant and animal stuff, and foxes fall into this category. Foxes consume a wide variety of foods, the specifics of which are determined by their environment and the accessibility of food sources; nonetheless, the majority of their diet consists of birds, eggs, insects, and fruits in addition to small mammals like mice, rabbits, and squirrels. In addition to this, it is well known for them to feed on dead animals, waste, and even the food intended for pets if it is accessible. Certain species of foxes, such as the Arctic fox, are known to hunt and consume fish as well as other animals that live in the water. Because they are flexible and opportunistic eaters, foxes are able to subsist on a diverse range of food types, which allows them to avoid starvation.


Los zorros son animales omnívoros, lo que significa que comen una variedad de alimentos, tanto de origen animal como vegetal. Su dieta varía según la época del año y la disponibilidad de alimentos en su hábitat. Algunos de los alimentos que comen los zorros incluyen:

  1. Pequeños mamíferos, como ratones, conejos, topos y ardillas.
  2. Aves y sus huevos.
  3. Peces, anfibios y reptiles.
  4. Insectos, lombrices y otros invertebrados.
  5. Frutas y bayas, como manzanas, cerezas y arándanos.
  6. Semillas y otros materiales vegetales, como nueces y raíces.

Vishul_Rajput avatar

Foxes are omnivores, which means that they eat both meat and plants. Their diet varies depending on their habitat and the season, but their natural diet includes:

Small mammals: Foxes primarily eat small mammals such as mice, voles, rabbits, and hares. They are also known to eat squirrels, rats, and other rodents.

Birds: Foxes may eat birds, especially during the nesting season when eggs and chicks are available. They can catch and eat a variety of birds, including game birds and waterfowl.

Insects: Foxes will eat insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillars.

Fruits and berries: Foxes will also eat fruits and berries, especially during the fall when these foods are plentiful. They are known to eat apples, blackberries, and raspberries.

Carrion: Foxes are scavengers and will eat carrion if they come across it. They may also steal food from other animals, such as birds of prey, or raid garbage cans for food.

Foxes are adaptable animals and can survive in a variety of environments, which allows them to have a varied diet depending on what is available in their area.


Foxes have a really diverse diet. They are expert hunters, catching rabbits, rodents, birds, frogs and earthworms as well as eating carrion. But they aren't carnivorous - they are actually omnivores as they dine on berries and fruit too.



Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means that they eat both plants and animals. Their diet varies depending on their habitat, season, and availability of food. Here are some of the common foods that foxes eat:

Small mammals: Foxes are known to hunt and eat small mammals such as rabbits, mice, rats, and voles.

Birds: Foxes also prey on birds such as pheasants, grouse, and songbirds.

Insects: Foxes are known to eat insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars.

Fruits and berries: Foxes eat fruits and berries such as apples, blackberries, raspberries, and grapes.

Eggs: Foxes will also eat eggs from birds and reptiles.

Carrion: Foxes will scavenge for carrion, which is the flesh of dead animals.

Garbage: In urban areas, foxes will eat food scraps from garbage cans.

It's important to note that foxes are opportunistic eaters and will eat whatever food is available to them.


Foxes are opportunistic and adaptable carnivores that eat a wide range of foods, including both animal and plant matter. The specific diet of a fox can vary depending on the species, geographic location, and availability of food.

Some of the most common prey for foxes include small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and hares. They are skilled hunters and use a combination of stealth, speed, and agility to catch their prey. They also consume birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects, especially during the warmer months when these prey are more plentiful.

In addition to animal prey, foxes are known to eat fruits, berries, and other plant material. They will often scavenge for food, and can frequently be found near urban areas where they will eat garbage, pet food, and other human-produced waste.

In more rural areas, foxes may also eat livestock such as chickens and lambs. However, this is less common as foxes tend to prefer smaller prey that they can catch more easily.

Overall, foxes have a varied and adaptable diet that allows them to thrive in a wide range of habitats. Their ability to eat both animal and plant matter makes them incredibly versatile and allows them to survive in areas where other predators may struggle to find food.


Food eg other animals plant fruit diary type of prey are pray almost there size or a little bit more


Foxes are omnivores. Meaning that they eat plants and animals.The term stems from the Latin word omnis which means which means all or everything 


Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means they eat a variety of foods. Their diet can vary depending on their habitat and the availability of food. Some of the foods that foxes eat include:

Small mammals: Foxes are known to prey on small mammals such as rabbits, rodents, and hares.

Birds: They also eat birds, especially ground-nesting birds such as pheasants, quail, and partridge.

Insects: Foxes feed on insects such as beetles, caterpillars, and grasshoppers.

Fruits and berries: Foxes also eat fruits and berries, including apples, blackberries, and raspberries.

Fish: In areas close to water, foxes may eat fish such as trout, salmon, and eels.

Garbage: Foxes are opportunistic feeders and may scavenge on garbage and food scraps left by humans.

Overall, foxes are adaptable and can survive on a variety of foods, making them successful in many different habitats.


Foxes are omnivores, which means that they eat both animals and plants. Their diet can vary depending on their habitat and the availability of food, but some common foods that foxes eat include:

  1. Small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and squirrels.
  2. Birds and their eggs.
  3. Insects, worms, and other invertebrates.
  4. Fish and other aquatic animals.
  5. Fruits, berries, and other plant matter.

Foxes are also known for scavenging food from human settlements, such as garbage cans or compost piles.

It's worth noting that the specific diet of a fox can vary depending on the species of fox and the location in which they live. For example, the Arctic fox primarily eats small rodents and fish, while the red fox is known to eat a wider variety of food, including fruits and insects.

Overall, foxes are adaptable animals and have a wide range of foods they can eat in order to survive in their environment.


Foxes are omnivorous animals that have a diverse diet. They eat a variety of foods, including:

Small mammals: Foxes primarily feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, and rabbits.

Birds: Foxes will also eat birds, particularly ground-nesting species such as pheasants and partridges.

Insects: Foxes will eat insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars.

Fruits and berries: Foxes will eat a variety of fruits and berries, particularly in the autumn when they are in abundance.

Fish: In some areas, foxes will also eat fish, particularly in coastal areas or near streams and rivers.

Garbage: Foxes are opportunistic animals and will sometimes scavenge for food in garbage cans or dumpsters.

Overall, foxes are adaptable animals that can survive on a variety of foods depending on their environment and availability of food sources.


Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means they eat a variety of foods, including both plants and animals. Their diet mainly consists of small mammals such as rodents, rabbits, and birds. They may also eat insects, fish, and reptiles. In addition to these animal sources, foxes also eat fruits, berries, and other plant material.

The specific diet of a fox can vary depending on its habitat and the availability of food. For example, foxes living in urban areas may scavenge for food in garbage cans and eat pet food left outdoors. Overall, foxes are opportunistic feeders and are able to adapt their diets to changing circumstances.


Foxes are omnivores though a lot of people think that they are carnivores. this is true because they eat small animals and amphibians they also eat berries and other foliage .


Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat a variety of foods. Their diet can consist of small mammals like mice, rabbits, and voles, as well as birds and insects. Some foxes may also eat fruits, vegetables, and other plant material when available.

During the warmer months, when food is more abundant, foxes will often store food in caches to consume later. It's important to note that the specific diet can vary depending on the species of fox and their habitat. For example, the red fox, which is the most common and widespread type of fox, is known for its adaptability and varied diet.

In urban environments, foxes have been known to scavenge from human waste or eat food provided by people, which is generally not ideal for their health and can lead to issues between humans and wildlife.


Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means they eat both meat and plants. They have a diverse diet that varies depending on what is available in their habitat. Here are some of the foods that foxes eat:
* Small mammals: Foxes feed predominantly on small mammals, particularly rodents (rats, mice, voles, and the occasional squirrel) and lagomorphs (rabbits and hares) 
* Birds: Foxes are expert hunters and can catch birds
* Insects: Foxes eat insects such as worms and crickets
* Fish: Foxes enjoy high protein, fatty foods like fish
* Carrion: When readily available, foxes will also eat carrion
* Fruit: Foxes are omnivores as they dine on berries and fruit too
* Vegetables: Foxes will also eat vegetables such as corn and barley
* Eggs: Foxes eat eggs of birds and reptiles
* Nuts: They also enjoy sweet and savory foods like nuts
Urban foxes will scavenge for food in dustbins, and often catch pigeons and rats. Fox cubs start eating solid food at around four weeks old and are usually completely weaned by the time they are 12 weeks of age.


Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means they have a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. The exact composition of their diet depends on the species of fox and the habitat they inhabit. Here are some common food sources for foxes:

Small mammals: Foxes primarily feed on small mammals such as mice, voles, rabbits, and ground squirrels. They are skilled hunters and can locate their prey by using their excellent hearing and sense of smell.

Birds: Foxes will also eat birds, including small ground-nesting species like pheasants and ducks. They can catch birds both on the ground and in the air.

Insects and invertebrates: Foxes supplement their diet with insects, earthworms, beetles, and other invertebrates. This is especially true for fox cubs, which rely heavily on insects during their early stages of life.

Fish: If foxes live near bodies of water, they may include fish in their diet. They can catch small fish and amphibians from streams, ponds, or rivers.

Carrion: Foxes are opportunistic scavengers and will readily eat carrion, which refers to the carcasses of dead animals. They may scavenge on roadkill or the remains of larger animals left behind by other predators.

Fruits and berries: Foxes consume fruits, berries, and other plant matter, especially during the autumn when these resources are abundant. They are known to eat apples, blackberries, blueberries, and similar fruits.

It's important to note that the specific dietary preferences of foxes can vary depending on their geographic location and the availability of food sources in their environment.


Foxes are omnivorous animals, which means their diet consists of both plant and animal matter. Here is an overview of what foxes typically eat:

Small mammals: The primary food source for foxes is small mammals such as rabbits, voles, mice, and squirrels. They are skilled hunters and have excellent hearing and tracking abilities.

Birds: Foxes also prey on birds, including smaller species like pigeons, ducks, and geese. They may also raid bird nests to consume eggs and young chicks.

Insects: Foxes supplement their diet with insects like beetles, grasshoppers, and worms. Insects are a valuable protein source, especially during the warmer months.

Fruits and berries: Foxes are opportunistic feeders and will consume a variety of fruits and berries when available. This can include apples, blackberries, raspberries, and other similar fruits.

Carrion: Foxes are scavengers and will eat carrion (dead animals) they come across. This includes roadkill or other deceased animals that they encounter.

Vegetation: While animal matter makes up the majority of their diet, foxes may also eat plant material like grasses, roots, and tubers. However, plant matter typically constitutes a smaller portion of their overall diet.

It's worth noting that the specific diet of a fox can vary depending on its habitat, season, and food availability. Foxes are adaptable creatures and can adjust their diet based on what is accessible to them.

In urban areas, foxes may scavenge for human food scraps and garbage, which can lead to conflicts with humans. It's important to avoid feeding wild foxes intentionally, as it can disrupt their natural foraging behaviors and create dependence on human-provided food.


Foxes are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. Their diet varies depending on their location and the time of year. However, they typically eat small mammals, birds, insects, fruits, and vegetables.



AnswersUp_1284144201 avatar

Foxes are omnivorous creatures, meaning they have a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. Their diet can vary depending on the species and the region they inhabit, but generally, foxes eat a combination of the following:

1. Small mammals: Foxes primarily hunt and feed on small mammals such as rabbits, mice, voles, squirrels, and rats. They are skilled hunters and use their keen senses to locate and catch their prey.

2. Birds: Foxes also prey on birds, including ground-nesting birds and their eggs. They may also scavenge on carrion or feed on birds injured or killed by other means.

3. Insects: Insects form a part of a fox's diet, especially during the warmer months. They may consume beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and other small invertebrates.

4. Fruits and berries: Foxes are opportunistic eaters and will consume fruits and berries when they are available. This can include apples, berries, grapes, and other similar types of plant matter.

5. Vegetation: Although not a major part of their diet, foxes may also eat certain types of vegetation, such as grasses, roots, and tubers.

It's important to note that the specific diet of a fox can vary depending on its habitat and seasonal availability of food. Foxes are adaptable animals and can adjust their diet to what is accessible in their environment.


Los zorros comen carne porque son carnívoros, pero también consumen bayas de los arbustos e incluso buscan en los contenedores para encontrar comida. ¡Antes de empezar a comer otras cosas, los zorros bebés primero beben la leche de su madre!

Rimisha avatar

Foxes have an omnivorous diet. They typically eat small mammals like rabbits, mice, and voles, as well as birds, eggs, insects, fruits, and berries. They are also known to scavenge for carrion and occasionally consume plant matter.

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