How to get video id from Vimeo url

June 29
Status: 1 token - Active

How to get video id from Vimeo url since it changes often

13 Answers:

EnertaAllko avatar

The Video ID for a Vimeo video is located at the end of the URL. The Video ID for a TeacherTube video is located at the end of the URL. The Video ID for a SchoolTube video is located after video/ within the URL.


To get the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can use the following steps:

Copy the URL of the Vimeo video that you want to get the ID for.

Open the URL in your web browser.

Look at the address bar of your web browser. The video ID will be the series of letters and numbers after the last slash in the URL.

For example, in the following URL:

The video ID is 456123456.

Note that the video ID may be different from the number displayed in the video's title or URL on the Vimeo website. The video ID is a unique identifier for the video and is used to embed the video on other websites or to access the video using the Vimeo API.

AnswersUp_90488703 avatar

To get the video id from a Vimeo url, you can use the following steps:

  1. Copy the Vimeo url.
  2. The video id is the string of characters that appears after the last slash in the url. For example, in the url, the video id is 123456789.

You can also use the Vimeo API to retrieve the video id for a given url. The Vimeo API allows you to access and interact with Vimeo's video library and metadata. To use the Vimeo API, you will need to sign up for a developer account and obtain an API key. You can then use the API to search for a video by its url and retrieve its id.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


You can get the video ID from a Vimeo URL by using the Vimeo API. The Vimeo API allows you to interact with Vimeo's database and retrieve information about videos, such as the video ID.

Here is one way you could get the video ID from a Vimeo URL using the Vimeo API:

First, you will need to create an app on the Vimeo Developer website. This will give you access to an API key, which you will need to make requests to the Vimeo API.

Once you have your API key, you can use it to make a request to the Vimeo API for information about a video. The format of the request will depend on the programming language you're using, but an example in Python would be:

import requests

url = ''
video_url = '[video_id]'
api_key = '[your_api_key]'

response = requests.get(url+video_url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer '+api_key})

data = response.json()

video_id = data['uri'].split('/')[-1]



  1. The video_id will be returned as a string.

Alternatively if you only want to extract the video_id from the url, you can use python's urlparse library which helps you to extract the url components.

from urllib.parse import urlparse

url = ''
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
video_id = parsed_url.path.split('/')[-1]

Please note that to use the Vimeo API you need to follow the terms and conditions provided by vimeo and also make sure that you don't exceed your rate limits.


The video ID in a Vimeo URL can be found by using the following steps:

  1. Take the full URL of the Vimeo video (e.g.,
  2. Locate the unique video ID, which is the series of numbers at the end of the URL (e.g., 12345678)

This ID can be used to embed or share the video or access it via the Vimeo API.

You can also use regular expressions to extract the id from the url if you want to automate the process.

Visainfoupdates avatar

To get the video id from a Vimeo URL, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Vimeo video in your web browser.
  2. Look at the URL in the address bar of your web browser. The video ID is the string of numbers that comes after the final slash (/) in the URL.

For example, if the Vimeo URL is, the video ID is "123456789". You can use this video ID to embed the video on your website or share it with others.

Alternatively, if you're using the Vimeo API, you can get the video ID programmatically by making a request to the API with the video's URL. The API response will include the video ID in the JSON data.

Vishul_Rajput avatar

To get the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can use regular expressions to extract the ID from the URL. Here is an example using Python:

Copy code
import re

vimeo_url = ""
regex = r"\d+)"

match =, vimeo_url)
if match:
   video_id =
In this example, we use the regular expression r"\d+)" to match the Vimeo URL pattern and extract the video ID. The \d+ matches one or more digits, which is the video ID.

Note that this method assumes that the Vimeo URL follows the standard pattern of If the URL format changes, the regular expression may need to be modified accordingly.


To get the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can use regular expressions or a URL parser library in your programming language of choice.

Here's an example of how you can extract the video ID using a regular expression in Python:

pythonCopy code

import re vimeo_url = "" video_id_pattern = r"vimeo\.com\/(\d+)" match =, vimeo_url) if match:    video_id =    print(video_id) else:    print("No video ID found.")

This code uses the regular expression vimeo\.com\/(\d+) to match the video ID in the Vimeo URL. The (\d+) part of the regular expression matches one or more digits, which is the video ID. The function is used to search for the pattern in the URL, and the group(1) method is used to extract the first group of the match, which is the video ID.

Alternatively, you can use a URL parser library to extract the video ID. Here's an example using the urllib.parse module in Python:

pythonCopy code

from urllib.parse import urlparse vimeo_url = "" parsed_url = urlparse(vimeo_url) if parsed_url.netloc == "":    video_id = parsed_url.path.split("/")[-1]    print(video_id) else:    print("Not a Vimeo URL.")

This code uses the urlparse() function to parse the Vimeo URL into its components. The netloc attribute of the parsed URL is used to check if the URL is for Vimeo. If it is, the path attribute is used to extract the video ID from the URL. The split("/")[-1] code splits the path by the forward slash character and returns the last element of the resulting list, which is the video ID.

Note that these approaches may not work in all cases, as Vimeo URLs can take different formats and may not always include the video ID in the same location.



AnswersUp_321228139 avatar

To get the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the Vimeo website and go to the video you want to get the ID for.
  2. Look at the URL in the address bar of your web browser. The video ID is the combination of numbers at the end of the URL.
  3. For example, if the URL of the video is, then the video ID is 123456789.

Alternatively, you can use the Vimeo API to retrieve the video ID programmatically. The API provides a way to fetch metadata about a video, including the video ID. You can find more information on the Vimeo API documentation website.


To get the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can use a regular expression to extract the ID from the URL. Here's an example of how to do it using Python:

import re 

url = '' 

# Use regular expression to extract the video ID 

match ='vimeo\.com\/(\d+)', url) 

if match

video_id =

print(video_id) # Output: 123456789 


print('Video ID not found in URL'

This code uses the re module in Python to search for the video ID in the Vimeo URL. The regular expression pattern vimeo\.com\/(\d+) matches the text "" followed by one or more digits (the video ID), and captures the digits in a group. The search function looks for this pattern in the URL and returns a match object if found.

If a match is found, the code extracts the video ID from the match object using the group method and prints it to the console. If no match is found, it prints an error message.

Note that this method assumes that the video ID is always a string of digits immediately following "". If the URL format changes, this method may not work correctly.


To get the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can use regular expressions (regex) to extract the unique identifier from the URL. Vimeo video URLs typically have a consistent format, which includes the video ID as a numerical value. Here's an example of how to extract the ID using Python:

import re

url = ""

# Define the regex pattern to match the Vimeo video ID
pattern = r"vimeo\.com/(\d+)"

# Use the findall() function to search the URL for the pattern and return the video ID
video_id = re.findall(pattern, url)

# Print the video ID
print(video_id[0])  # Output: 123456789

In this example, the regex pattern r"vimeo\.com/(\d+)" matches the Vimeo URL and captures the numerical value of the video ID. The findall() function searches the URL for the pattern and returns a list of all matches. Since there should only be one video ID in the URL, we can assume that the first item in the list is the correct ID and access it using video_id[0].

This method should work for most Vimeo URLs, even if the URL includes additional parameters or variations in the format.


I'm trying to get just the id from a vimeo URL. Is there a simpler way than this? All the vimeo video urls I see are always:

// VIMEO $vimeo = $_POST['vimeo']; function getVimeoInfo($vimeo) {    $url = parse_url($vimeo);    if($url['host'] !== '' &&            $url['host'] !== '')        return false;   if (preg_match('~^http://(?:www\.)?vimeo\.com/(?:clip:)?(\d+)~', $vimeo, $match))   {       $id = $match[1];   }   else   {       $id = substr($link,10,strlen($link));   }   if (!function_exists('curl_init')) die('CURL is not installed!');   $ch = curl_init();   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$id.php");   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);   $output = unserialize(curl_exec($ch));   $output = $output[0];   curl_close($ch);   return $output['id']; } $vimeo_id = getVimeoInfo($vimeo);


To extract the video ID from a Vimeo URL, you can use string manipulation or regular expressions in your programming language of choice. Here's a general approach using Python as an example:

import re

# Sample Vimeo URL
vimeo_url = ""

# Regular expression pattern to extract the video ID
pattern = r"\d+)"

# Use to find the video ID in the URL
match =, vimeo_url)

# Check if a match was found
if match:
   video_id =
   print("Video ID:", video_id)
   print("No video ID found in the URL")

In this example, the regular expression `r"\d+)"` is used to match the Vimeo URL and capture the numeric video ID. The `(\d+)` part of the pattern captures one or more digits, which corresponds to the video ID.

You can adapt this approach to other programming languages by using regular expressions or string manipulation functions to extract the video ID from the Vimeo URL.

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