Back pain

November 14
Status: 1 token - Active

I have suffered from a mild back-pain for years and just learned to live with it. I recently read that some specific exercises can help with reducing the pain. I have decided that every day after I wake up, I will do these exercises but I need a training matt. Can someone suggest a training matt that it is not too small and does not slip? Thank you.

10 Answers:


Generally a typical Yoga Mat will do for those exercises. 

It is better if the mat is not too thick because it will slip more often than the thinner mat.

Hopefully this answer will help you.


There are many types of exercise mats that you can use to do your back pain exercises. Here are a few things to consider when looking for a training mat:

  1. Size: Make sure to choose a mat that is large enough for you to comfortably do your exercises on.
  2. Thickness: A thicker mat can provide more cushioning and support, which may be more comfortable if you have back pain.
  3. Slip-resistant: Look for a mat that has a slip-resistant surface to help prevent accidents.
  4. Durability: Choose a mat that is made from high-quality materials and is built to last.

Here are a few exercise mats that may meet your needs:

Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat: This mat is extra thick (1/4 inch) for added cushioning and comfort, and it has a non-slip textured surface to help prevent slips and falls. It is also made from eco-friendly materials and is easy to clean.

ProsourceFit Puzzle Exercise Mat: This mat is made from high-density foam and comes in interlocking pieces that can be easily assembled to create a large, stable surface for your workouts. It is also slip-resistant and easy to clean.

BalanceFrom GoYoga All-Purpose Exercise Mat: This mat is 1/2 inch thick and has a non-slip surface to help keep you stable during your workouts. It is also lightweight and easy to roll up and transport.

I hope this information is helpful

AnswersUp_90488703 avatar

Thank you for the suggestions! Here are a few additional factors you might want to consider:

Ease of cleaning: If you plan on using the mat regularly, you may want to choose one that is easy to clean and maintain. Some mats are machine washable, while others can be wiped down with a damp cloth and mild detergent.

Eco-friendliness: If you are environmentally conscious, you may want to look for a mat made from sustainable materials, such as natural rubber or recycled plastic.

Price: Training mats can range in price from a few dollars to several hundred dollars. Determine your budget and look for a mat that fits your needs and price range.

Extra features: Some training mats come with additional features, such as built-in carrying straps or alignment lines, which can be useful for certain exercises. Decide if any of these features are important to you before making a decision.

I hope this helps!

Visainfoupdates avatar

Certainly, I can suggest a few training mats that would fit your requirements. Here are some options:

BalanceFrom Go Yoga All-Purpose Exercise Mat: This mat is made from high-density foam and is 1/2 inch thick, providing excellent cushioning for your back while exercising. It is also non-slip, so you won't have to worry about it sliding around on the floor. The mat measures 71 x 24 inches, providing plenty of room for your exercises.

Manduka PROlite Yoga and Pilates Mat: This mat is made from dense, cushioned PVC and has a non-slip surface that offers good grip, making it a great choice for exercises. It's also durable and easy to clean. The mat measures 71 x 24 inches, so you'll have plenty of space for your exercises.

Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat: This mat is made from high-density foam and is 2/5 inch thick, providing excellent cushioning for your back. It also has a textured, non-slip surface to help prevent slipping. The mat measures 72 x 24 inches, providing ample space for your exercises.

Liforme Yoga Mat: This mat is made from eco-friendly, non-toxic materials and has a unique "GripForMe" surface that provides excellent grip for your exercises. It's also durable and has a cushioned feel that is easy on your back. The mat measures 72 x 26.8 inches, giving you plenty of space for your exercises.

All of these mats are high-quality, non-slip, and provide ample space for your exercises. They are available in various colors and designs, so you can choose one that best suits your style and preferences.


Sure, there are many different types of exercise mats available that can help provide cushioning and support while you do your exercises. Here are a few things to consider when choosing an exercise mat:

1. Size: Make sure the mat is large enough to accommodate your body comfortably, especially if you plan to do exercises that require you to move around a lot. Most exercise mats come in standard sizes, but some are larger or smaller than others.

2. Thickness: Look for a mat that provides enough cushioning to support your back and joints during exercise, but not so much that it's difficult to balance on. A mat that is 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick is usually sufficient for most exercises.

3. Material: Mats can be made from a variety of materials, including foam, rubber, and PVC. Consider the material's durability, ease of cleaning, and non-slip properties when making your choice.

4. Non-slip surface: Look for a mat with a non-slip surface to help prevent it from sliding around on the floor during exercise. Some mats have textured surfaces to provide extra grip.

Based on these criteria, some good options for a non-slip and comfortable exercise mat could be the Manduka ProLite Yoga Mat, Liforme Yoga Mat, or the BalanceFrom GoYoga All-Purpose Mat. All of these mats are well-known for their slip-resistant surface, size and thickness, and have received positive reviews from customers.


Yes, exercise can be very helpful in reducing back pain, and using a good quality exercise mat can make your workout more comfortable and effective. Here are some features to look for when choosing an exercise mat:

Size: Look for a mat that is large enough to accommodate your entire body comfortably. A standard size is 68 inches long by 24 inches wide, but some people may prefer a longer or wider mat.

Thickness: A thicker mat can provide more cushioning and support, which can be helpful if you have back pain. Look for a mat that is at least 1/4 inch thick.

Material: Mats can be made from a variety of materials, such as PVC, rubber, or foam. PVC mats are typically the most durable, while rubber mats are more eco-friendly. Foam mats are softer and lighter, but may not be as durable.

Non-Slip Surface: Look for a mat with a non-slip surface to prevent slipping during your workout. This can be especially important if you are doing exercises that require balance or involve movement.

Easy to Clean: Choose a mat that is easy to clean and maintain. PVC and rubber mats can be wiped clean with a damp cloth, while foam mats may require more care.

Some popular exercise mat brands include Manduka, Lululemon, Gaiam, and AmazonBasics. When choosing a mat, read reviews from other customers to get an idea of how well it performs in terms of slip resistance and durability.


Ejercicios para aliviar el dolor de espalda

  • Rodilla al pecho. Túmbate boca arriba con los pies apoyados en el suelo y las rodillas dobladas. 
  • Pies al pecho. 
  • Rotaciones de cadera. 
  • Puente de glúteo. 
  • Estiramiento de isquiotibiales. 
  • Plancha frontal de abdomen.



Exercise Mat with Non-Slip Surface: There are exercise mats specifically designed with a non-slip surface to prevent slipping during workouts. Look for mats made of high-density foam or rubber that offer good grip. Brands like BalanceFrom, HemingWeigh, and ProsourceFit provide affordable and reliable exercise mats with non-slip features. Before purchasing, read reviews, check the product descriptions, and consider your personal preferences regarding thickness, size, and material. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness instructor regarding suitable exercises to help with your back pain

Rimisha avatar

I recommend the Manduka PRO Yoga Mat. It is large, provides excellent grip, and has good cushioning for back exercises.


Certainly! When choosing a training mat for exercises aimed at reducing back pain, you'll want to consider a mat that provides sufficient size, thickness, and non-slip features. Here are a couple of popular options that you may find suitable:

Liforme Yoga Mat:

  • Features:
    • Larger than standard mats (approximately 72" x 26").
    • Excellent grip to prevent slipping.
    • Biodegradable, non-toxic, and eco-friendly materials.
    • Adequate thickness for comfort (around 4.2mm).
  • Note: While marketed as a yoga mat, it can be suitable for a variety of exercises.

Manduka Prolite Yoga Mat:

  • Features:
    • Generous size (71" x 26").
    • Closed-cell PVC material for durability.
    • Non-toxic, eco-friendly, and emissions-free manufacturing.
    • Excellent grip, even with light perspiration.
  • Note: It's known for its durability and cushioning.

Gaiam Essentials Thick Yoga Mat:

  • Features:
    • Extra-thick (2/5 inch) for added comfort.
    • Large dimensions (72" x 24").
    • Non-toxic PVC material.
    • Textured surface for a better grip.
  • Note: This mat is designed to be thicker, providing additional cushioning for exercises.

BalanceFrom GoYoga Exercise Mat:

  • Features:
    • Generously sized (71" x 24").
    • 1/2-inch thickness for comfort.
    • Non-slip surface with excellent grip.
    • Comes with a strap for easy transport.
  • Note: It's suitable for various exercises and has good padding.

Before purchasing a mat, it's a good idea to read customer reviews to ensure that it meets your specific needs and preferences. Additionally, consider the specific exercises you'll be doing to address your back pain and make sure the mat is appropriate for those activities.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional or a fitness expert before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have a history of back pain, to ensure that the exercises are suitable for your condition.

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