Biggest event of the 90's

September 15
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What is considered the biggest political event of the 90's?

4 Answers:

Allyonin avatar

There are many events that occurred in the '90s that are considered the biggest. The followings are considered to be among the biggest event of the 90s.

  • Tim Berners-Lee publishes a formal proposal for the World Wide Web.
  • East and West Germany are reunited after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • One of the most completed T. Rex fossils is found in South Dakota and is named "Sue" after the paleontologist that discovered it.
  • Democrat Bill Clinton is elected as the United States President.
  • The Mall of America opens in Minnesota.
  • Euro Disney is opened in France.
  • The Hubble Telescope is repaired in space by a crew on the Space Shuttle Endeavor. 
  • NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is signed into law.
  • Intel introduces the Pentium Microprocessor.
  • Nelson Mandela becomes President of South Africa after being elected in the country's first multi-racial elections.
  • The 1994 Major League Baseball season is canceled when the Players Association goes on strike.
  • OJ Simpson flees police in his white Ford Bronco.
  • The American Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir Space Station for the first time.
  • The online auction website eBay is founded.
  • The 55 MPH limit imposed during the Middle East Crisis in 1973 / 1974 ended.
  • Princess Diana and Prince Charles get divorced.
  • The internet search engine "Ask Jeeves" is created.
  • In 12 months the number of Internet hosts and computers goes from 1 million to 10 million.
  • The search engine Google is founded.
  • Apple Computers reveal the iMac computer.
  • The United States has a budget surplus for the first time in thirty years.
  • President Bill Clinton faces impeachment proceedings.
  • The file-sharing service Napster is created.
  • The year 2000 problem known as the Y2K problem and the millennium bug was the most important thing on most companies' minds in 1999. Critical industries (such as electricity or financial) and government functions could stop working at 12:00 AM, January 1, 2000. This fear was fueled by press coverage and other media speculation, as well as corporate and government reports. All over the world, companies and organizations checked and upgraded their computer systems.

This Wikipedia page can be of more help to you!

mackdiesel93 avatar

It's hard to narrow down a singular political event but a couple of things come to mind for those that remember the stories that were constantly circulating on the news. One I remember vividly was the OJ Simpson case that had everyone tuning in. Today, that case feels more like a pop culture event than it does political but it does shed a lot of light on attitudes that were prevalent in the 90s. 

A couple of other events that I remember are the Persian Gulf War and of course Bill Clinton's impeachment hearings. If I had to choose one event I'd say the impeachment hearings were the biggest political events of the 90s. At the time he was the second U.S president to face impeachment for his improper conduct with a white house intern. Though his terms were pretty successful (he did accomplish a lot) the hearings are what most people remember about his presidency. 

The 90s also saw a lot of acts of domestic terrorism from extremist groups. For example, in 1996 the Unabomber was arrested concluding one of the most expensive investigations the FBI had conducted at the time. Between the 70s to the 90s he was responsible for a series of bombings that lead to three deaths and countless injuries. 

Lifeisgood avatar

There were several significant political events that took place in the 1990s, but one of the most consequential was the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The Soviet Union had been a dominant global power for over 70 years, and its collapse marked the end of the Cold War and a major shift in global politics.

The fall of the Soviet Union had far-reaching consequences, including the spread of democracy and capitalism to former Soviet states, the reunification of Germany, and the emergence of the United States as the world's sole superpower.

Other significant political events of the 1990s include the Gulf War in 1991, which marked the first major military conflict since the end of the Cold War, and the impeachment of US President Bill Clinton in 1998, which was only the second impeachment of a US President in history.

Overall, the 1990s was a decade of major political changes and challenges, with the fall of the Soviet Union being one of the most significant events that shaped the political landscape of the decade and beyond.

Another important political event of the 1990s was the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, which marked a significant step towards peace between Israel and Palestine. The accords established a framework for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but ultimately failed to achieve lasting peace in the region.

The 1990s also saw the emergence of new political movements and ideologies, such as the anti-globalization movement and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. The anti-globalization movement, which gained prominence in the late 1990s, was a response to the perceived negative impacts of globalization on workers and the environment. The rise of Islamic fundamentalism, on the other hand, was a reaction to the perceived cultural and political domination of the Western world.

In the United States, the 1990s saw the end of the Reagan-Bush era and the beginning of the Clinton presidency. Clinton's presidency was marked by a period of economic growth and relative stability, but also by political controversies such as the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the impeachment proceedings.

Overall, the 1990s was a decade of significant political changes and challenges, marked by the fall of the Soviet Union, the emergence of new political movements, and the shifting global political landscape. These events continue to shape the political discourse and debates of today.

DivyangDhyani avatar

There were several major political events that occurred in the 1990s, but one that stands out as particularly significant is the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. This was a transformative event that had a profound impact on global politics and led to significant changes in international relations. In 1991, the Soviet Union dissolved and its constituent republics became independent countries, marking the end of a decades-long conflict with the United States and its allies. The fall of the Soviet Union also had implications for the political, economic, and social systems of countries around the world. It ushered in a new era of globalization and paved the way for the rise of new global powers, such as China. The end of the Cold War is therefore considered one of the most significant political events of the 1990s.



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