How can someone get rid of cellulite?

November 26
Status: Closed

I know that the best answer is having a long-term plan with a good exercise routine and diet, but I want to know if there is some specific method to get rid of it in a short term, because summer is coming and I want to look splendid on my bikini.

2 Answers:


To get rid of it you can:

  1. Use caffeine creams
  2. Try QWO: they're injectables that target dimpling in the buttocks
  3. Start dry brushing
  4. Try retinol cream
  5. Use coffee scrub
  6. Layer on a serum
  7. Eat a healthy diet
  8. Drink plenty of water
  9. Exercise regularly
  10. Try an in-office treatment


To get rid of it you can:

  1. Use caffeine creams
  2. Try QWO: they're injectables that target dimpling in the buttocks
  3. Start dry brushing
  4. Try retinol cream
  5. Use coffee scrub
  6. Layer on a serum
  7. Eat a healthy diet
  8. Drink plenty of water
  9. Exercise regularly
  10. Try an in-office treatment

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