How old should your kid be when getting a smart phone?

August 05
Status: 1 token - Active

At what age should I introduce a smartphone to my children?

3 Answers:

animaltracks avatar

At least thirteen years old, which seems to be the average age. At this age, they're starting to form groups with their friends more, going out away from their family more, etc. Giving them ways to communicate with friends and family can benefit them – especially when given a way to do it safely. 

At thirteen, you're able to help them and guide them through how to use technology safely and respectfully. There are many apps that can block certain apps and topics and also turn off apps at certain times – such as during school hours and at bedtime. So, you can limit and protect them while still giving them some freedom and opportunities to use their phone in safe ways. Of course, you can also let them know that having a phone is a privilege and have them do chores to help pay for the plan. 

Whether we like it or not, technology will always be a big part of our lives now – and an even bigger part of the younger generation's lives. Teaching them about it at home when they're able to responsibly do so will help them in the long run, as opposed to them figuring it out at a friend's or when they move out and we can't help them as much. 

timon2 avatar

Typically, around the time they're starting middle school or high school, though it isn't so much an age as a maturity aspect. Will they constantly get in trouble with the phone or break the phone multiple times? Will they be on apps they know they shouldn't be or be talking to people that put them in dangerous situations? As useful as phones can be, there are a lot of downsides too if children are given them too early. If they aren't ready for a lot of responsibility but need a way to communicate with you and other family members, consider getting a more basic phone with the most basic plan available. 

This family education article provides some questions to consider regarding if your child is ready for a phone. It also provides some examples of apps that will help protect your child and their phone use. I strongly recommend reading through it.

Lifeisgood avatar

The age at which a child should get a smartphone is a personal decision that depends on a variety of factors, including the child's maturity level, responsibility, and need for a phone. Here are some things to consider when deciding if your child is ready for a smartphone:

Maturity level: The child's ability to make responsible decisions and handle technology is important. Ask yourself if they are responsible enough to handle the phone, keep it safe, and avoid online dangers.

Need for a phone: Consider the child's age and if they need a phone for safety reasons, such as for after-school activities, or for staying in touch with friends and family.

Parental supervision: Having open lines of communication and monitoring their phone usage can help ensure that they are using the phone responsibly.

Family rules and guidelines: Establishing clear rules and guidelines for phone usage, such as not allowing them to use it after a certain time at night or limiting screen time, can help them use the phone in a responsible and healthy way.

It's recommended that kids under the age of 13 have only basic phones with limited capabilities, while children over the age of 13 can handle a smartphone with more features. However, the final decision should be based on the individual child and the family's specific needs and circumstances.

Advantages of giving a smartphone to a child:

Safety: A smartphone can be a valuable tool for ensuring the safety of children, especially when they are away from home. Children can use a smartphone to call for help in case of an emergency or to stay in touch with their parents when they are not home.

Communication: A smartphone can help children stay in touch with friends and family members, allowing them to connect and communicate more easily.

Access to information: Smartphones provide access to a vast amount of information, including educational resources and online content, which can help children learn and explore new topics.

Convenience: A smartphone can make everyday tasks, such as scheduling and organizing, easier for children.

Drawbacks of giving a smartphone to a child:

Addiction: Children can become addicted to their smartphones, leading to excessive screen time and a lack of real-life social interaction.

Cyberbullying: Smartphones can provide children with a platform for cyberbullying and other negative online behaviors.

Online dangers: Children can be exposed to inappropriate content and online predators if they are not supervised and their phone usage is not monitored.

Cost: Smartphones can be expensive, and repairs or replacements can be costly if the phone is lost, damaged, or stolen.

It's important for parents to consider both the advantages and drawbacks of giving a smartphone to a child and to make an informed decision based on their individual circumstances. It's also important to have open lines of communication with children and to monitor their phone usage to ensure they are using the phone responsibly and safely.

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