How to fix an AC unit w/o calling an AC guy

September 21
Status: 10 tokens - Active

My AC is running cut not cooling. Can I fix this myself without calling an expensive HVAC guy?

4 Answers:

grantorino4 avatar

It is essential to make sure your AC is running properly because it can result to a more expensive repair or a huge electric bill. One of the most common reasons why your AC is running but not cooling is because of a clogged air filter. If that’s the case, you can totally clean and do it yourself without any professional help.

Aside from the air filter, according to this article, other reasons for this kind of problem is one of the following: Dirty coils, Insufficient coolant, Faulty compressor, Faulty thermostat, Defective parts, High atmospheric temperature, Undersized AC or Faulty AC Remote. If you have checked all of them and are still not sure what’s wrong with your AC, maybe it’s high time to let the professionals do it.

gotexas7 avatar

When you have a running compressor, but your air conditioning unit is not producing cool air, there are potentially a number of things that could be causing this problem. The first areas that should be checked and cleared can be completed easily and quickly. These are fixes that should be accessible to any homeowner. Other do-it-yourself options are also available to homeowners with more advanced handy home maintenance skills. If these options are expended, it may be time to bring in a professional HVAC technician to further diagnose what to do when your air conditioner is running but not cooling.

Also, If the air is blowing but it’s not cool, there may be a refrigerant leak. While a trained technician will have to charge the system, check out these other options before you call.

  • Check the air filter. If it’s dirty, change it, as dirt blocks airflow.
  • Clear obstructions away from the outdoor compressor.
  • Make sure the outdoor fan is working. If not, call a repair professional.

Is the air not blowing?

First, check the thermostat temperature to make sure it’s set a few degrees lower than the room temperature. You should also check the following:

  • The thermostat should be set on “cool.”
  • A dirty air filter may block airflow. Change it.
  • Make sure there’s power to the A/C by checking the switches to the outdoor compressor and the indoor air handler. Also, check fuses and circuit breakers.

If all the above troubleshooting didn't work please, call a technician.


Fixing an AC unit can sometimes be done on your own, but it's important to note that AC systems can be complex, and improper handling may cause further damage or void warranties. However, if you're comfortable with basic troubleshooting and maintenance tasks, here are some steps you can take to address common issues with an AC unit:

Check the power: Ensure that the AC unit is properly connected to a power source and that the circuit breaker or fuse associated with it hasn't tripped or blown. Reset the breaker or replace the fuse if necessary.

Clean or replace the air filter: A clogged or dirty air filter can restrict airflow and affect cooling performance. Clean or replace the air filter according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Check the thermostat settings: Verify that the thermostat is set to the desired temperature and cooling mode. Make sure the thermostat's batteries are fresh if applicable.

Inspect the condenser unit: Examine the outdoor condenser unit for any debris, such as leaves or branches, that may be obstructing airflow. Clear away any obstructions, but exercise caution and ensure the power is off before performing any maintenance.

Clean the condenser coils: Over time, the condenser coils can accumulate dirt and debris, reducing their efficiency. If accessible, carefully clean the coils using a soft brush or a commercial coil cleaner. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines to avoid causing damage.

Check for refrigerant leaks: Low refrigerant levels can indicate a leak in the system. If you suspect a leak, it's best to consult a professional as refrigerant handling requires specialized knowledge and equipment.

Test the fan and blower motor: Ensure that the fan and blower motor are operating correctly. If they're not running or making unusual noises, it may indicate a problem that requires professional attention.

Schedule regular maintenance: AC units benefit from regular professional maintenance. Consider scheduling annual or bi-annual inspections and tune-ups to keep the system in optimal condition.

Remember, these steps are general guidelines and may not solve all AC issues. If you're unsure or uncomfortable with any aspect of AC troubleshooting, it's best to consult a qualified HVAC technician to avoid causing further damage or compromising your safety.


It depends on the issue. Check and replace the air filter if it's dirty, make sure the outdoor unit is not blocked by debris, and check for frozen coils. If these don't solve the problem, you will probably need a professional.

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