How to study a subject you don't like

August 05
Status: 5 tokens - Active

What is the best way for me to study for a class that I truly dislike?

3 Answers:

apcode21 avatar

Try to study with a group if you won't get overly distracted. As the saying goes, "Misery loves company." 

Having fun studying supplies always helped me. When I was studying for teaching exams, it involved a lot of math that I could not stand. But having a decorated (but still uncluttered) studying space, a binder, post-it notes, and pens in a style I liked cheered me up a bit and helped me study. 

The Pomodoro technique is useful, too. You study for a certain amount of time (such as 50-60 minutes), then take a break for a set time (typically 5-10 minutes). This helps you have a realistic goal and have a break that is beneficial as opposed to too distracting. 

Here is more information about that technique.

Hottan avatar

Know what your learning style is. If you are a more visual learner, find graphics and charts on the topics. If you're a more auditory learner, find videos and songs that explain the concepts. While this may not lead to you liking the subject, studying and retaining the information in a way that suits you personally will help you with your course. 

Here is a source about various learning styles.

Here is a quiz where you can learn what type of learner you are.


tudying a subject you don't like can be challenging, but with the right approach, it's possible to make the process more manageable and even find some interest in it. Here are some strategies to help you study a subject you don't enjoy:

Find relevance: Look for ways to connect the subject to your personal interests or long-term goals. Understanding how the subject relates to your life or future aspirations can increase your motivation to study it.

Break it down: Divide the subject into smaller, more manageable chunks. Breaking down the material into smaller sections can make it less overwhelming and easier to tackle.

Set specific goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve in each study session. Set specific, measurable goals that are attainable within a given timeframe. This helps provide a sense of direction and accomplishment.

Explore different learning methods: Experiment with various study techniques to find what works best for you. This could include using visual aids, diagrams, mnemonic devices, or teaching the subject to someone else. Find ways to make the learning process more engaging and interactive.

Seek support: Reach out to classmates, teachers, or tutors who can provide guidance and support. Collaborating with others can make the subject more enjoyable and provide different perspectives on the material.

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