Maintaining romance in a long distance relationship

August 05
Status: 5 tokens - Active

How can a long-distance relationship maintain its romance?

2 Answers:

toystory avatar

Though it may be difficult, there are ways to keep the flame burning in a long-distance relationship. First and foremost, communication is key. You and your partner should talk as often as possible through text, phone calls, or video chats. 

Additionally, try to schedule regular visits, even if they are just weekend getaways. Furthermore, make an effort to do thoughtful things for your partner, like sending them a care package or planning a special surprise.

rainfallflood3 avatar

Long-distance relationships can be tough, but there are ways to keep the romance alive: 

1. Make sure you have regular communication, whether it's through texts, calls, or video chats. 

2. Send each other little gifts or care packages to let your partner know you're thinking of them. 

3. Plan special occasions and fun activities together, even if you're apart. 

4. Be supportive and understanding of each other's needs and schedules.

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