Puppy Training

October 27
Status: 5 tokens - Active

How can I teach my 3 month old puppy to sit?

11 Answers:

EnertaAllko avatar

This is the best time to get started socializing your puppy, prevent behaviour issues before they start, and teach basic commands.
Keep training sessions short and fun. End each session on a positive note. If you feel your dog is having a difficult time learning or being “stubborn,” evaluate the speed of your training and the value of your rewards. Do you need to slow down and make the steps easier, or does your dog need a bigger paycheck for a harder exercise?

The “Basic 5” cues will give your puppy a strong foundation for any future training. And just think, if you and your puppy continue to work hard—and have fun—at training, someday you may become Obedience champs!

If you’re struggling with any of these tricks, you can always call the AKC GoodDog! Helpline, which offers live-telephone service and video consultations to help you work through pain points.

melodyroll11 avatar

Any keen dog lover will know that there are many techniques and tips out there when it comes to training puppies. It is always advisable to read widely and talk to other owners, specific owners of the same breed. If it is possible, speak with professional dog trainers. That said, there is a set of principles that apply to all breeds and all ages. You will not go far wrong if you keep these in mind when training your puppy.

  • Give the verbal command only once
  • Give clear commands
  • One step and activity at a time
  • Keep the training session short
  • Do not shout at or scold your puppy
  • Remember your puppy is a blank canvas

I hope you find the above tips useful.

Lifeisgood avatar

Teaching your 3-month-old puppy to sit is a great way to start building good habits from an early age. It is important to remember that puppies learn best through positive reinforcement, so it's important to reward your puppy for good behavior and not punish them for bad behavior.

You can start by teaching your puppy the command “sit” and then rewarding them with treats when they do it correctly. You should also use hand signals and verbal cues when you are teaching them the command so that they can associate the two together. With patience and consistency, you will be able to teach your 3-month-old puppy how to sit in no time!

Start by standing in front of your puppy with a small treat in your hand.

Hold the treat in front of your puppy's nose, and then slowly move it up and over their head, towards the base of its tail.

As you do this, your puppy should naturally sit down to follow the treat with their eyes.

As soon as your puppy sits, say "sit" in a clear, firm voice, and then give them the treat as a reward.

Repeat this process several times a day, gradually increasing the time that your puppy stays seated before you give them the treat.

As your puppy becomes more comfortable with the "sit" command, you can begin to fade the use of the treat, gradually giving it to your puppy less frequently until they are able to sit on command without the need for a treat.

It's important to remember to be patient with your puppy and to always reward them with treats and praise when they follow the command correctly. With time and consistent training, your puppy will learn to sit on command.


Teaching a puppy to sit is an important basic command that will help establish good behavior and manners. Here are some steps you can follow to teach your 3-month-old puppy to sit:

  1. Start by holding a treat close to your puppy's nose, so they can smell it.
  2. Slowly move the treat upwards, and as you do, your puppy's head will follow it. This will naturally cause your puppy's bottom to lower down towards the ground.
  3. As your puppy's bottom touches the ground, say "sit" in a clear and firm tone, and immediately give them the treat as a reward.
  4. Repeat the process several times until your puppy begins to associate the word "sit" with the action of sitting down.
  5. Once your puppy starts to sit on command, gradually begin to withhold the treat until they sit consistently on command.
  6. Remember to be patient, consistent, and positive throughout the training process. Praise and reward your puppy each time they successfully follow the "sit" command.

It's important to note that puppies have a short attention span, so keep the training sessions short (about 5-10 minutes) and positive. Additionally, make sure to use positive reinforcement methods and avoid punishment, as this can cause confusion and may even discourage your puppy from learning. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, your puppy will learn to sit in no time.

Vishul_Rajput avatar

Teaching a 3-month-old puppy to sit is a great way to start their basic obedience training. Here's how you can do it:

Start with short training sessions: Puppies have short attention spans, so keep your training sessions brief - no more than 5-10 minutes at a time.

Get your puppy's attention: Call your puppy's name and hold a treat above their head to get their attention.

Move the treat: Slowly move the treat over your puppy's head towards their tail, so that their nose follows the treat and their bottom moves closer to the ground.

Say the command: Once your puppy's bottom is on the ground, say the command "sit" in a clear, firm voice.

Reward your puppy: As soon as your puppy sits, give them the treat and lots of praise.

Repeat: Repeat the exercise several times a day, gradually reducing the frequency of treats and moving towards using only verbal praise as a reward.

It's important to be patient and consistent with your puppy's training, as they are still very young and learning new things can be a challenge for them. With practice and positive reinforcement, your puppy should quickly learn to sit on command.


With your dog in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose. Keeping the treat near your dog's nose, move your hand in an arc over his head. As the dog raises his head to follow the treat, his bottom will go on the floor. The instant he sits, praise him and give him the treat.


Training a Puppy to Sit on Command

The goal of this section is to achieve a quick sit on command and for him to stay there until you tell him to do something else. It is always a good idea, particularly with young pups to train him in a quiet, confined space to avoid unnecessary distractions. He will not be able to ignore you or escape to do something else without your permission.

There are many ideas about how to achieve a quick and consistent "sit." The aim of this article is to give you the simplest steps.

  1. Get his attention. He is too young to "sit" at a distance, so get him in close. When you command him to "sit" you expect him to have his bottom on the ground, his legs underneath his bottom, and his head high. Any other position is a slouch, not a "sit." Note: When you say the word "sit," it needs to be pronounced "ssssit" this way he will associate the sound with the activity and then the praise which he craves.
  2. Get your puppy's favourite treat or toy. Hold it above his nose and move it upwards and backwards over his head. He should naturally move his body into the sit position. When he does, say the word "sit" and praise him. Not too much praise, because you don't want him all excited and running all over the place. It is as simple as that, all you need to do to reinforce this command is do it often and be consistent with the outcome: quick sit=praise; slow sit/slouch/sloppy=nothing.
  3. Over a period of time, vary the length and location of the "sit" as this improves consistency. As he gets better at the "sit," think of a word to release him from the "sit" position. Mine is "fun." He will love sitting there waiting to have some fun. One tip: Don't use "play" as your release word as it is too close to "stay" and will confuse him.
  4. Practice is the key to this activity. Once you have him sitting for differing lengths of time and in different locations, you can move on to the "stay" command, which we will now teach you.


You can teach your puppy to sit by using his favorite treats, (if he has any favorites).  Hold a treat out in front of him & everytime he sits , give him a treat. 

Rimisha avatar

To teach your 3-month-old puppy to sit, follow these steps:

  1. Hold a treat close to your puppy's nose, then slowly move it upwards.
  2. As your puppy's head follows the treat, their bottom will naturally lower.
  3. Once they are in a sitting position, say "sit" and give them the treat.
  4. Practice this regularly, gradually reducing the use of treats as they learn the command.


Prepare Treats: Start by gathering some small, tasty treats that your puppy loves. These will be your rewards.

Choose a Quiet Location: Find a quiet place with minimal distractions for training. This will help your puppy focus.

Get Your Puppy's Attention: Call your puppy's name to get their attention. Make sure they are looking at you.Use a Command Word: Say "Sit" in a clear and firm voice. Use a consistent command word each time you want your puppy to sit.

Use a Hand Signal: While saying "Sit," hold a treat above your puppy's nose and then slowly move it up and back over their head. Your puppy should naturally sit to follow the treat.

Reward and Praise: As soon as your puppy sits, immediately praise them with enthusiastic words like "Good sit!" and give them the treat.Repeat: Practice this command in short, frequent sessions. Keep them short to prevent your puppy from losing interest or getting frustrated. Aim for 5-10 minutes at a time.

Be Patient: Some puppies learn quickly, while others may take more time. Be patient and consistent in your training.

Practice Regularly: Practice the "sit" command daily. Consistency is key to reinforcing this behavior.

Use Positive Reinforcement: Always use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, when your puppy sits correctly. Avoid scolding or punishment.

Gradually Add Duration: Once your puppy is reliably sitting, you can gradually increase the duration they stay in the sitting position before giving the treat. Start with a few seconds and work your way up.

Generalize the Command: Practice "sit" in various locations and situations to help your puppy generalize the command.Remember that every puppy is unique, so it may take some time for them to grasp the concept.

Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key to successful training. If you're having difficulties, consider enrolling in a puppy training class to get professional guidance.


Teaching your 3-month-old pup to sit is pretty cool and sets the groundwork for good behavior. Check out this step-by-step guide:

Quick Sessions: Keep training short (5-10 minutes) to match your pup's short attention span.

Treats: Grab some tiny, tasty treats to get your pup excited. Make sure it's something they're totally into.

Chill Setup: Find a quiet spot with fewer distractions so your pup can pay attention.

Get Attention: Call your pup's name or use a clicker to get them focused, especially if you're into that clicker training stuff.

Show the Goodies: Hold a treat close to your pup's nose, let them have a good sniff.

Move the Treat: Slowly lift the treat up and a bit back over your pup's head. The idea is to guide their nose up, so their butt naturally goes down.

Say "Sit": Once your pup's butt hits the ground, shout "Sit" in an upbeat voice.

Reward: Quick, once your pup is sitting pretty, give 'em the treat and heap on the praise.

Repeat: Do it again and again, start adding the "Sit" command before the treat trick.

Consistency: Stick to the same cues and rewards. Say the word and reward your pup each time they sit.

Regular Drills: Practice sitting in different spots and situations to help your pup get the hang of it.

Good Vibes Only: Always keep it positive. Cheer and treat your pup when they nail the command.

And hey, remember, patience is the name of the game when you're training a pup. If they start losing interest or get a bit frustrated, take a breather and try again later. Keep it fun and upbeat to build that solid bond with your furry friend.

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