Sleep paralysis

October 25
Status: 3 tokens - Active

How do you get out of sleep paralysis? I experienced it last night and it was the most frightening night of my life😰

5 Answers:

guitarsong8 avatar

Sleep paralysis is scary but doesn’t impose real physical danger. As what they clearly explained in this article, sleep paralysis happen when atonia and REM sleep don’t work together. The REM sleep stage is when your brain is alive with activity and that’s when you dream. While Muscle Atonia is when all your voluntary movement stops. It is for you to not act out your dream and harm others on your sleep. So when your brain is awake but you still have muscle atonia, that’s when you get sleep paralysis. There’s nothing to worry about because it just usually lasts for a few seconds or a few minutes.

When I experience sleep paralysis which is not very often (probably once a year), at first your instincts will tell you to panic and make your body move. But the effective way for me to get out of it is just relax and try to take deep breaths. Others say that making small body movements helps them recover from sleep paralysis quickly.

Lifeisgood avatar

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which one experiences an inability to move or speak while asleep. It can be a frightening experience, as the person may feel like they are being held down or unable to move. It is estimated that up to 40 percent of people will experience sleep paralysis at least once in their lifetime. In this article, we will discuss what causes sleep paralysis and how it can be treated.

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs when the brain and body are out of sync during sleep. It can cause a person to be unable to move or speak while still conscious. This can be an extremely frightening experience, as it can feel like you are being held down by an invisible force. While sleep paralysis itself is not dangerous, it can be very unsettling and may lead to feelings of anxiety or fear. Understanding what causes sleep paralysis and how to manage it can help people cope with the experience.

It can be a frightening experience, but there are some steps that can be taken to help reduce the severity and duration of the episode. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can take control of your sleep paralysis and break free from its grasp.

To prevent sleep paralysis, most people find it best to sleep on their side instead of on their back. If you're ever experiencing this scenario during your sleep, try focusing on your breathing and making a small muscle movement with one finger or toe. Once the movement starts, the remaining muscles will kick in and the attack will quickly end.

Insure that you're comfortable while sleeping. Get a good mattress, insure the bedroom temperature is cozy, and have covers fluently accessible for when the body temperature drops at night. Playing a sport or going for a walk or jog a many hours before bedtime will help.

Vishul_Rajput avatar

Sleep paralysis can be a very frightening experience, but there are some things you can do to help alleviate it:

Stay calm: Although sleep paralysis can be scary, it is not harmful and it will pass. Try to remain calm and remind yourself that it will be over soon.

Focus on your breathing: If you're feeling panicked, try to take slow, deep breaths. This can help to relax your body and may help you to break free from the paralysis.

Wiggle your fingers and toes: Try to move your fingers and toes as much as you can. This can help to signal to your brain that you are awake and can help you to break out of the paralysis.

Focus on a specific body part: Try to focus on moving a specific part of your body, such as your hand or foot. This can help to break the paralysis and allow you to move again.

Try to sleep on your side: Sleeping on your back can make sleep paralysis more likely to occur. Try sleeping on your side instead.

Improve your sleep habits: Getting enough sleep and establishing a regular sleep routine can help to reduce the likelihood of experiencing sleep paralysis.

If you experience sleep paralysis frequently and it is causing you distress, you may want to speak with a healthcare professional. They may be able to offer additional guidance and support.

EPra avatar

My advice, if you (and your child) want to sleep well (at least the sleep disturbance will be reduced), do some of these things:

(1) clean the room and bed so that it is clean; teach children to do this in a disciplined manner. 
(2) freshen the air in the room so it's not stuffy, if necessary and have it, turn on the air conditioner for just a few minutes to refresh the bedroom. Close doors and windows that face outside, just before sunset. 
(3) clean yourself (and the children who want to sleep). Take a shower, or just wash your hands and feet. But it would be even better if the one who wants to sleep takes a shower first and washes his hair with shampoo. 
(4) when sleeping, wear clothes that are clean, light, dry, fresh, and loose (don't use tight rubber). 
(5) when you really want to sleep, think about good things; reduce the burden on your mind. Don't think about bad things that burden the minds of people who want to sleep. That is the need to behave well in the morning until the evening. Learn to be sincere and forgive mistakes and shortcomings (yourself and others). For children, give a good and fun story (happy ending) as a bedtime. 
(6) during the day or evening, give the children the opportunity to play with their friends for sufficient duration so that at night they are not fussy. With enough playing time, their spiritual will be satisfied, they will be physically drained as needed until at night they feel tired and want to sleep (naturally). 
(7) provide enough food and drink, because we will not easily sleep when full, hungry, or thirsty. 
(8) sometimes, people have trouble sleeping due to disturbances by ghosts, spirits, and others of the kind (including unexpected criminals). Maybe some people don't believe in this. Believe me, they do exist, and some really like to annoy children. In this regard, some children can indeed see them to the point of being scared or being scared on purpose. Therefore, people who want to sleep or just rest also need to pray for God's protection from disturbances by demons or spirits (until bad dreams and poor sleep quality can result in health problems). So, teach children to pray before going to sleep. 
(9) don't drink alcohol or use drugs that make it difficult to sleep, don't get into the habit of taking sleeping pills without a reason justified by a doctor. 
(10) try not to make promises to people often and get into debt or have debts; if not really necessary. This is because having debt can cause difficulty sleeping at night and reluctance to meet people during the day. 
(11) improve relations with humans, between neighbors, family members, and more specifically between husband and wife. Young children can feel that there is a bad (disharmonious) relationship between their mothers and fathers, causing them to be fussy (hard to sleep) at night. 
(12) pay attention and check the environment around your house, clean it and tidy it up. Genies, demons, or spirits like to live in dark, dirty, smelly, and scary areas. If those areas exist, then they can disturb you and your children. 

Please choose and sort the items above yourself according to your condition or your children's. Maybe some are suitable for you and your children.

DivyangDhyani avatar

Sleep paralysis can be a frightening experience, but it is a common and generally harmless phenomenon. Here are some tips on how to get out of sleep paralysis:

  • Stay calm: Although it can be scary, try to stay calm and remind yourself that sleep paralysis is temporary and will pass.
  • Focus on your breath: Take slow, deep breaths and try to relax your body as much as possible. This can help you ease out of the paralysis.
  • Try to move a small muscle: Focus on trying to move a small muscle, such as your fingers or toes. This can help break the paralysis and allow you to move more freely.
  • Visualize yourself moving: If you're having trouble moving a muscle, try visualizing yourself moving. This can help your brain "trick" your body into moving.
  • Use a sleep schedule: Improving your sleep hygiene by following a regular sleep schedule, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake before bed, and minimizing screen time before bed can help reduce the frequency of sleep paralysis.

If you continue to experience sleep paralysis regularly and find it to be disruptive or distressing, consider speaking with a healthcare provider or mental health professional. They can help you explore strategies for managing and reducing the frequency of sleep paralysis.

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