What is the best organic baby shampoo?

July 28
Status: Closed

I’m looking for a 1 year old baby. I’m having a hard time figuring out which is the best brand / type of baby shampoo. I could really use someone’s help here. Thanks!

1 Answers:

ctslynn23 avatar

Earth Mama is said to produce some of the best shampoos for babies, it's used in NICUs. There are no parabens, sulfates, or artificial fragrances and it's one of the safest options you can find.

Ethique is a brand that started in New Zealand and now has been around for over a decade. They are a zero-waste company so you can purchase their shampoo and conditioner bars sustainably! Their multi-purpose bars are gentle with pH-balanced ingredients.

Bāeo is another brand that has its version of a multi-purpose body wash and shampoo. It's a mild enough soap that you can use on newborns. They are made with locally sourced and USDA-certified organic ingredients. Their bottles are recyclable and they partner with ethical and woman-empowering organizations.

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