Why can't humans eat grass?

August 05
Status: 1 token - Active

Why is it that humans can eat greens but not grass?

4 Answers:

flyinginsectbee66 avatar

Realistically, you can eat grass. It just won’t taste very good and there’s no nutritional value for your body to absorb. It’s also non-toxic and edible.

tomatoeslemonpie avatar

You SHOULDN’T eat grass because our digestive system is not built to handle the cellulose found in grass. Our bodies can’t break it down in a meaningful way.

Lifeisgood avatar

Humans cannot eat grass because they lack the necessary enzymes to digest it. Grass contains a complex carbohydrate called cellulose, which humans cannot break down because they do not have the enzyme cellulase.

Cellulose is a type of fiber that provides structural support to plants. It is made up of long chains of glucose molecules that are difficult to break down. While many animals, such as cows and horses, can digest cellulose, humans cannot.

When humans try to eat grass, the cellulose remains undigested and passes through the digestive system intact. This can cause discomfort, bloating, and even constipation.

Additionally, grass is not a nutritionally dense food for humans. While it contains some vitamins and minerals, it is not a good source of protein, fat, or carbohydrates that are essential for human health.

In summary, humans cannot eat grass because they lack the necessary enzymes to digest the complex carbohydrate cellulose. Eating grass can cause digestive discomfort and does not provide significant nutritional value.

It's worth noting that while humans cannot eat grass directly, they can still consume it indirectly through animals that are able to digest it. For example, cows and other grazing animals are able to break down cellulose and convert it into nutrients that humans can digest.

In fact, many human cultures consume animal products, such as milk and cheese, that come from grazing animals. These products are rich in nutrients and can provide important health benefits when consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

It's also worth noting that some humans consume grass in the form of wheatgrass juice or other green juices. These juices are made by crushing or juicing young grasses, such as wheatgrass, and contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. While these juices can provide some health benefits, they should not be relied on as a primary source of nutrition and should be consumed in moderation due to their high sugar content.


Bueno, los humanos ciertamente pueden comer estos también, aunque no sean muy apetecibles y obtendremos poca nutrición de ellos. Pero proporcionarían fibra insoluble, y también la necesitamos para el correcto funcionamiento de nuestro tracto digestivo.

No es que no se puedan comer, claro que lo puedes hacer, pero si lo haces te puede causar dolor de estómago o a veces una leve evacuación.

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